Duskwood Friendsgiving - Part Two

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DW Discord - NOVEMBER PROMPT #friendsgivingNOV22 

(background: in the US we celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of November. It has morphed into a day to hang out with family, eat a lot of food, maybe watch American football, NAP, and just be grateful for those in our life. Alongside this has developed Friends-giving. Basically, the same idea and a chance to gather with your close friends instead of family.)

The group has gathered to celebrate Friendsgiving. Everyone is having a great time, until...

Part Two was inspired by a conversation in our DW Discord channel

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Part Two was inspired by a conversation in our DW Discord channel. Which was also illustrated by the fabulous Notzka!  itsnotzka

All was quiet in the pre-dawn hours at MC's home. A few of the group had decided to stay the night at MC's house as the festivities began to break up around 10 the night before. Jessy was already tucked into one of the spare bedrooms having indulged in a bit too much wine. She was snoring away lost in her dreamland. Phil insisted he couldn't leave since they had ridden together in her car. That made Jake quickly chime in that if Phil was staying, he was staying as well. MC finally shooed them into the other guest bedroom around midnight so she could get to sleep.

The red numbers on the microwave in the kitchen read 3:07 am as a lone figure stood near the counter plate in hand munching happily on the extra filling that had slid out of the pie pieces as they had been served.

Suddenly, a deep voice called out from the doorway, "What the hell?" Then the voice laughed, "What are you doing in the kitchen?"

Phil didn't need to turn around to know who the voice belonged to. He had been hanging out with Jake for the last few hours. Surprisingly, the two men were getting along really well. Of course, the joint they had shared while chatting in MC's extra room probably helped.

"Maaaan, I am eating pie," Phil said with his mouth full. "Obviously." He turned around, plate in hand to see the dark figure leaning against the doorframe. It was hard to make him out against the shadows in the room. Even his lower face was covered with a black mask.

"What!" Jake whisper-yelled, much louder than he intended to, "Is that the last piece of the apple pie MC made?"

The other man shrugged and said, "Ya, what about it?" before turning to open the utensil drawer.

At that moment, Jake sprang from the doorway tackling Phil to the floor. The pie plate slid from his hand because of the impact and came to rest near the kitchen table leg.

"The fuck, man?" Phil looked up at the angry hacker pinning him with a knee to the back.

Jake grabbed the other man's long hair and tugged his face up so he could look him in the eye, "That was my piece of pie." He tried to say it menacing, but Phil couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he heard it. Then he noticed something shinnying in Jake's hand.

"Where the fuck did you get that fork?" the bartender spoke confused.

"I come prepared!" Jake said trying to keep a serious face, but he couldn't help the grin that formed behind his mask after he said it.

Just then someone cleared their throat. Jake looked up, while Phil took the moment to try and reach the pie plate.

"Jake? Phil? What are you doing in my kitchen at," MC paused to look at the microwave. "3 in the morning?" She paused rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

The guys tried to keep it together, but the sight of her standing there with her hair sticking in all directions around the large headphones that covered her ears and wearing a tee shirt that had an adorable cartoon fox with similar headphones and the saying "I'm listening to my Murder Stories" was too much. What started as a snicker quickly escalated to full-on belly laughs and the men leaning against each other holding their sides.

"Wait a minute, you're both high? Whose idea was it to toke up in my house?" she looked from one to the other of them with her arms akimbo.

Both men pointed accusatorily at the other.

"Really? Whose weed was it?" MC continued.

Again, fingers were pointed, and neither would admit to it.

"And this," MC motioned to the whole scene before her in the kitchen. "This all started because of a pie?"

"Nah, this all started because of Phil," Jake spoke up with a grin, his mask having been pulled aside while he was laughing so hard.

"No, no, no," Phil chimed in. "Jake started all this."

"Wait, wait," Jake began. "Who was down here eating pie at 3 in the morning because they got the munchies?"

"Which is exactly what you were coming down here to do, except," Phil argued raising a finger. " Except, I'm not the one who snuck down here looking like a goddamn ninja!"

"What? These are my normal clothes," Jake protested looking down at his black hoodie and jeans.

"Was the fucking face mask necessary?" Phil yanked on the mask dangling from one of Jake's ears.

"It is a habit," Jake huffed raising his hands in the air before sitting at the kitchen table fork still in hand.

"Well, I nearly shat myself when you snuck in all quiet-like and then jumped on my back!" Phil replied picking the pie plate up and setting it lovingly on the table, before sitting down in front of it.

"Boys!" Both men turned around to see MC standing against the counter holding a rather large chef's knife. She locked eyes with each of them in turn before spinning the knife in her hand. Their eyes widen and were glued as her fingers nimbly manipulated the blade to keep it rotating before it suddenly stopped pointing straight ahead toward where they sat at the table.

Causally, MC walked over, reached between the guys, and pulled the plate of pie closer. With a decisive slice, the pie was divided in two. She walked back, setting the knife on the counter, before turning around to lean against it with her arms crossed. Their eyes never left her.

"Well?" she motioned to the slices of pie.

Turning around to the table, Phil scooped his piece up in his hands and began munching while Jake slid the remaining piece on the plate closer and used his fork to dig in.

"Enjoy it. Because I am never baking again," she winked at them before heading back to her bedroom. Before she went, she heard the sound of muffled "thank yous" issue from their mouths which were full of apple pie.

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