Men And Descendants

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Come on, come on the great lord called
My sword is hungry still...

I have always hated funerals and the bitterness they evoked in me. Some say losing people from your life is something you get used to eventually. But it feels like I will carry the burden of this loss for the rest of my life. And at this point, I want nothing more than to sink into a comfortable numbness from which I will never come out because I refuse to face this reality in which Lucerys no longer exists. And maybe I am a weak human, consumed by feelings, but I will not deny and hide what is burning inside me. And within my core, there is a lot of pain and anger. I am the dragon they never wanted to see. I am fire and blood.

Luke's funeral represented the most brutal way of being awakened to reality. This ceremony only marked the truth that I had rejected all this time. I repeated to myself, in my mind, since I opened my eyes this morning, that he is dead and will stay dead. This tribute confirms that he was no longer among us and would never be again. With a firm grip, I clung to Jace's steady arm in a pathetic need for comfort. Even though I was the older sister, he consoled me, caressing my hair sporadically under the stern gaze of our mother. I allowed myself to shed tears in front of everyone. Fuck it! I am not going to pretend that I am not affected. I cried, but I still gave them hateful glares. I wanted them to understand from my stares that I was accusing them. They should have died, not my sweet brother. For them, it was just a hilarious show, a form of amusement. They acted like it was a celebration, which the Greens enjoyed because it was personal revenge. 

After the courtiers paid their respects, Queen Alicent wanted to make a short speech in mourning for Luke, although nothing she said seemed genuine. Her purpose was not to commemorate my brother. She only assumes the role of the virtuous, merciful queen who understands our misery and suffers with us. Daemon seemed willing to throw himself into the sea rather than listen to another word from her.

'I'm not talking to you as your queen right now. I'm talking as a mother. Nothing is more heart-wrenching in this world than losing a child. I knew Lucerys from his first moments of life. I saw a vigorous young man who would bring pride to his family. But it seems the gods had other plans for him and his true purpose. So, pray for his soul and rejoice because he is in the service of the gods, in the afterlife.' She was the perfect example of a frigid slut. This woman could never show authentic empathy, and I suppose she lost her ability to understand how human interaction works.

'I'm curious if she would have said the same words if one of her progenitures had been in Luke's place.' Much to my surprise, Jace muttered the similar words I had thought during this entire commemoration. Precisely the queen would not have had such an appreciative speech regarding the will of the gods if she had lost one of her much-loved children. I hardly restrained myself from spitting when I heard those empty words.

'We could try to find out.' I replied, considering that possibility more than I should have. But I was angry because nothing was happening as it should. Luke grew up in Dragonstone, not here. Rhaena and Baela should have been with us and mourned him. As well as our younger brothers: Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys. This funeral was an insult to everyone, especially to my dear brother, Lucerys. This whole ceremony was a gruesome farce, a masquerade for the delight of the Greens.

'No, my queen, I am afraid we see it differently. I dare to say that this is a warning sign from our merciful Gods. It is the punishment for those who want to deceive the will of The Seven. I consider this tragic accident should make us think.' Vaemond Valaryon's voice sounded full of contempt. I knew he despised us from the bottom of his cold heart, and I expected no other reaction from him. It was not the first time that he publicly expressed his opinion regarding the inheritance of the Iron Throne and Driftmark.

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