The Little Dove

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'These scars long have yearned for your tender caress'

'Are you leaving so soon, niece?'

His presence at that moment only confirmed his agility and capacity for observation. It probably should not have surprised me, Aemond was always sharp-minded, and this was not the first time I omitted to take him into account and underestimated him. Even though I took advantage of all the chaos created by the conflict with Lord Vaemond to sneak out of the Sept, it wasn't enough. I thought I had chosen the right time to leave without being noticed, but Aemond had anticipated my plan. And there he is, right in front of me, giving me malicious, superior looks. He had this effect on some people, making them feel stupid. And I hated with all my heart that I was among them.

'Apparently, not soon enough, uncle.'  I replied, trying to maintain a stoic tone of voice that would not betray how unstable I was, at that moment. Although, I doubted that there was anyone in the Seven Kingdoms who did not notice how deranged I was. I didn't even try to deny that I was running away from there. The intentions were more than clear so that even a blind person could have noticed them. To start arguing with him would only prolong our interaction unnecessarily.

'Oh no, I beg to differ. Your little moment was the most exciting event that happened lately. Admirable throw! I was slightly impressed. Who would have thought the little dove of peace has such a sharp beak?' He commented, starting to approach me, which made me take a step back involuntarily. I knew that his presence was not fortunate. If I knew one thing about Aemond, it was that he only worked for his interests.

'My prince, I comprehend nothing of what you are implying. If you're referring to the little altercation from Sept, it was pure luck. I do not know anything about handling weapons.' I gave him the most innocent smile I could fake, slightly bowing my head, pretending I was embarrassed by the scene. I had managed to disappoint a lot of people in just a few seconds. Daemon had trained me in secret, on the condition I would never reveal it to anyone. It was scandalous for a woman to fight, but for a princess, it was unacceptable.

'You're just like my sister, although I can't say I know her very well. But I notice that you inherited her bad habits. You have the same tendency to manipulate the truth and to rebel against the rules. And just like her, there are no repercussions for your actions. It must be nice to live such a privileged life.' He was too close, at a distance too small for me to feel safe, but I refused to move away. Although he was much taller than me, I looked him in the eye. I knew he was trying to provoke me and make me react. He wanted to prove to everyone that I was an emotional disaster.

'I was not aware that you know so many words. I am slightly impressed.' I grinned at him, and even though I felt a consuming anger inside me, I refused to burst out again. But that didn't mean I couldn't answer him with smugness. To hell with the hierarchy!

'And as much as you resemble Rhaenyra, you are as sharp as Daemon. Is he the one who taught you to fight? It's something a father would do for his daughter, but that's out of the question. Your father is ser Laenor Velaryon. So, the next logical option is that you are Daemon's whore. Is that why my sister looks down on you so much? Your family is full of controversy.' His words cut deep, but I knew he only wanted to use the most defamatory gossip to hurt me. And although I was perfectly lucid and aware of the purpose of those accusations, I could not control myself. I raised my hand, determined to slap him across the face. But he was not like his imbecilic brother. Aemond was fully sober and alert, a soldier who was always on his guard. He blocked my hand without much effort.

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