Things Lost

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"Is it really important to find that thing?"
Arjun asked, unsure himself if asking that was a good idea or not, seeing as the person searching for it was frantic and looked quite panicked. He was sure asking questions that had obvious answers were no good for him, considering the person has proved quite a number of times what they'd do if they got angered.

But that still didn't stop him from asking though.

"I could always buy you a another one, you know."

The side eye that the fire-born gave him  screamed of annoyance.

Arjun gulped quietly, he was sure that if anymore questions followed and he would be on the floor holding his back of the head where she would whack him hard.

He didn't quite want to test the waters 'more like burning furnace', anymore so he stayed quite like any wise man in the situation would.

But that still didn't help the situation at hand though.

"Where did I put it?"

"Did you check our room?"


"Mata's room?"

"Yes. And made sure to tell Mata Kunti to search for as well ."

"Well, it must be somewhere here."

"Well, WHERE?!"

Arjun stared at her in bewilderment and with a hint of concern and amusement.

Sure, his fire-born got irritated easily. But she always made sure she never lost her composure.

Alright, so this was a very important thing.

Emphasis on the word very.

Arjun inhaled slowly and then shot open his eyes in an determined ( more like dramatic) fashion and swiftly ran his sharp eyes through the room they were in.

And then almost immediately turned towards her with serious eyes and asked in an even tone that betrayed any emotions.

"What are we searching for again?"

Draupadi  turned to look at him with unimpressed eyes, an eyebrow raised as to say 'really?!'

"The book I kept to myself, you know?
The one Govind gifted me!"

"Wait Madhav gave you a gift?"

"Yes, and anyways-"

"But he never gave me one!"

"Arjun, that's not the issue here-"

"Yes it's an issue here, you have been taking MY Madhav away from ME!"


"Maybe we should visit Dwarka, you might have left it there since we went there last time you know?"

"....You just want an excuse to go see Govind right now, don't you?"


"Well I'm sorry, but I cannot let you go as I already know it's not there. I never took it there with me in the first place."

"Well then where is it?"

"I don't know.."

The panchal princess hid her face in her hands and sighed heavily to it.

"Now what will Govind think of his sakhi? He might think his gift was not satisfactory for me so I never gave it much of a thought and lost it. He might think I never cared for him , that our friendship wasn't real and that I am a terrible friend-"

"Hey, hey hey.."
Arjun gently took hold of her arms and pulled her towards his chest.

"You know, you shouldn't overthink so much. It's not good for your health."He gently cooed at her.


"And, we both know Madhav would never think any of those sorts. Since he loves and adores his sakhi too much. But not much than me, mind you."

Draupadi gently swatted his arm that was holding on to her as she felt a small smile spreading across her face.

"But I still liked that book though. I had written a lot of things in it." The princess added sadly.

"HEY! Check out what I found!"

A happy Nakul came bouncing in as he held a book to his face.

"I think-"


Panchali pounced on to him like a lion would to it's prey, snatching the book from his hands and holding it close to her chest.

Nakul who had been completely clueless of the situation, was so startled by the fire-born's sudden attack that he reacted like a spooked cat and with a shriek that distinctly came out like a cry for help, slipped and fell on his back with a loud thud.

The third pandava laughed as he pulled his younger brother up, chuckling more to himself as he heard his handsome brother mutter to himself as of to how he was a completely innocent man and how he didn't deserve such treatments and that they better get him a brand new mirror as a token of apology and what not.

Arjun tuned his brother out as he stared at his beautiful wife, who was now happily twirling and hopping around clutching her most precious book close to her.

He was happy when his fire-born was happy.

He heard his brother whine again and with a sigh turned to him.

Oh well, he was happy the day went without any further worries.

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