Starry Nights

221 19 6

"Be careful, don't want you to fall down and injure yourself."

The concerned third pandava let his eyes drift towards his beautiful wife.

"Hmmm...oh yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine."

The panchal princess muttered.

Arjun knew he shouldn't be worried over her falling down, knowing she took care of herself pretty well, but he couldn't help it that he was always worried for her and more so now because that the path was way too slippery to walk on.

They were leisurely taking a walk, enjoying the calmness of the night, the moon and stars in their company. The night was way too beautiful to be wasted inside the palace. They both knew and thus here they are, walking through the gardens to the river they were way familiar with.

Draupadi had her hand in the third pandava's, enjoying the warmth of the big hand on her small cold ones.

"This is nice. We should really do this more often." Arjun said, looking back at his fire-born.

" Sneaking out of the palace?"

Arjun let out a breathy laugh, the wonderful sound of his laughter making her heartbeat quicken.

"Yes, but what I meant more was spending time with each other. We never get time for ourselves because of how busy we are."

Arjun looked back at her, his gaze soft. Panchali let out a soft sigh but said nothing.
It was true they never got time for each other, the work they had to do for their people and the welfare of their kingdom, all had to be done individually and being seperated from each other even though they never admitted to each other was honestly pretty much eating them up.

So even though she didn't voice her opinion out loud to him, Arjun knew she felt the same way as him.

Soft footsteps were heard in the rather quiet garden, as the couple reached the lake. The sounds of water moving gently giving both of them a serene feeling.
They sat down on the grass near the lake looking at the lake a small smile evident.

"Madhav likes this place more so than us. If he knew we came here without him, it would surely make him pout for days"

Arjun laughed lightly thinking of his dear cousin whom he wished would always stay with him but alas he had his duties in Dwarka aswell.

"I would be surprised if Govind could give the silent treatment towards his beloved parth of all people. The maximum he could stay silent with you will be 2 minutes. And then he would be pouting at you saying why you didn't do anything to make him talk and we both know if Govind was mad at you, you would be the first one bawling."

Arjun look at her amused.


Draupadi laughed, surprised by the sudden action Arjun stared at his beautiful wife in awe.

God she's just so pretty.

" You really are so hopeless Arjun."

"Only for my Madhav and you."

The panchal princess laughed again trying to muffle her laughter with her hand.

Arjun continued to stare at her as though in trance.

Why was she just so beautiful.

He frowned as he saw she was trying to hide her beautiful smile with her hand and gently removed them from her face.

"Don't cover your smile. You know those are the most beautiful ones I have ever seen."

The fire-born stared at the third pandava. Smiling, slowly she brought herself closer to him staring at him.

His eyes were sparkling as though his entire world was just before him and the fire-born swore she could see the universe he held so dear to him.

Arjun could not look away as he stared at his fire-born's eyes. The flickering of red and orange in her orbs was hypnotising him, he could stare at them forever if given the chance to.

"You're so beautiful." Arjun let out putting a strand of her hair behind her ear not being able to keep it to himself any longer.
He slowly placed his forehead to her shoulder closing his eyes.

" I swear I can't seem to think straight when I am with you. What are you doing to me?"

Draupadi gently played with his hair smiling.

"I could ask you the same."

"I love you."


"Won't you say it back?"

"You already know my answer Arjun."

"Still I want to hear you say it back."

"I love you more."


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