Long Day

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"You looking mighty fine today, Princess".

Her eyes narrowed to slits.

Well, sure her husband had a random habit of complimenting her, heck he could go all day rambling on and on about how beautiful she was as of a lotus, that no man has any right to behold something so precious, how he could stare at her for eternities if given half- the chance and what not. And although she adored the the way the warrior prince spoke of her, even turning away from him to smile widely, now was not the time.

Why you might ask?

Because well .... She was exhausted.

The work of palace was taking a toll on her, managing the duties as a queen was much harder task and she knew it. And when her duties were done, she wanted to lie down and enjoy the time of solitude given to her.

And now when her husband came to flirt with her as usual, she was not amused. She hated not spending time with him, when they barely got time for themselves at all.
Arjun also had duties that he needed to tend seperately. So the both of them practically craved the comfort of each other.

But not today.

She was that exhausted.

But she didn't say anything, she hated to be the one ruining the only time, the I-am-so-serious-you-can't-make-me-smile prince lose his childish side.

So she hummed along as he rambled on and on of his day and of her delightful company and how much he missed her.
Vaguely she remembered him comparing her to ...oh what was it? Oh yes..the sun ..was it..?...she was not sure.

She knew the words were flying right above her head and the headache was growing worse and worse with his non-stop chattering.

Not to mention her ever increasing irritation.

"... suddenly nakul was on the floor, rolling around in pain complaining how he could not walk for the rest of his life when bhratha Bheem had enough of his whining and hauled Nakul upon his shoulder all the while he was screaming like a little girl, oh you should've seen his fac-...Are you listening?".

"Huh?...oh yeah.  Arya Nakul was hauled upon Arya Bheem like a sack of potatoes".

Arjun snorted, amused at his wife's comparison of his younger brother to a potato sack. Huh, it really did felt like it. Oh how come he didn't think of it before, and threw that hilarious fact at his brothers. Bhratha Bheem would've found it so funny that he would surely let go of Nakul to clutch his stomach in pain because of the laughter. His eldest brother would just shake his head smiling while sahdev would be questioning how he had a brother so clumsy yet so good at sword fighting.
And the look on Nakul's face would've been the best of all! He would pull his face to a disgusted expression, all while muttering under his breath that he was nothing like a potato and it was sin compare his godly looks to mere potato and walk away in a huff to secretly check whether if indeed he did look like a potato.

Madhav would've found it funny too, though he will comfort him by telling him that he did infact look nothing like a potato.

His wife was not only beautiful (might add extremely), smart, mature and elegant (again add extremely) she was also very funny.

Oh, How lucky he was!

But wait, why did he feel like she was not listening.

He leaned closer towards her, eyes squinting suspiciously.

"Hm..then tell me how he ended up falling down."

She was praying he wouldn't ask that.

"Well..he slipped..?"

"No, he was running after a wild squirel he found on the palace garden."


Arjun looked at her in concern. She looked very exhausted.

He mentally whacked himself hard for not noticing his fire-borns exhaustion.

He pulled her closer resting her head to his chest.

"You should sleep, you've had a long day." He softly murmured near her ear as he kissed her forehead above her hair.

She hummed as she snuggled closer to him.

"I promise I will hear it all over again after I wake up."

" And I will make sure to say it all over again with the same enthusiasm."

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