Give Me Attention! Please.

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The day was just starting, and the panchal princess already felt a headache forming.
What is that you may ask?

"You know, Arya you are always out these days hunting, preparing for a war that has yet to declare decades away, and what not..."

"I just want to be in my best form when the time comes is all." Arjun replied not taking his eyes off the target he's aiming his arrow at.

The fire-born sighed, knowing it's going take a while to get her husband to stop.

The third pandava was always doing something, and never free recently. She was starting to miss his presence and the rare charming smile he flashed only for her to see. The boyish side full of fun and immature jokes he would come up with, just to see her smile. She was starting to miss it all. She just wanted to spend some time with her husband, was that so much to ask?

Apparently the culprit of her thoughts of affection thought so.

Otherwise he would have kept his precious bow away and came to his even more precious wife!

Oh who was she kidding. The bow was probably more precious to him, the panchal princess thought back to times when she found the third pandava staring at the gandhiva with nothing but fond and tender eyes, the eyes she swore she thought was only directed at her. Anymore staring and she might've thought he was wedded to the bow.

Oh how great. Now she was starting to get envious of a bow her husband held dear.
See! This is what happens when your husband makes you attention deprived!
You start getting jealous of an inanimate object for goodness sake!

Shaking her head slightly, to clear the absurd thoughts running through her head,  the panchal princess turned her head towards her husband again.

Her eyes narrowed to slits seeing him still focused on the target.

" I don't know why you're drilling holes with your eyes, to the back of my head." Arjun drawled out lazily, hitting the target which was a flying flower petal.

"How do you know I'm glaring at you?"

"I have always been able to sense things around much faster than my brothers during our stay at the forest, but your presence now could be known to any mankind now with the way your fuming."

"And yet your not asking me why I'm mad."

"I already figured the reason was me, seeing as you're already here glaring holes to my head."

" ....You are always busy...."

"And...what about it?"

"...Mata Kunti misses you."

"I've already told her about this, I'm sure she understands."

"...Nakul complained to me how you're always ignoring him whenever he visits."

"....I do not ignore him, I only answer things that actually need an answer...and If  you're mentioning the times when I ignored for him for saying things like.... ' oh that flower has bloomed so beautifully just like me, don't you think so bhratha?' ...then yes I did ignore him."


"Well...Is that all?"

"......You want me say it, don't you?"


".....I miss you.."

"That's so CUTE!" Suddenly Arjun started cooing.

Draupadi was embrassed that she had to say that out loud, but hid her flushed reaction by rolling her eyes at her husband's immature behaviour.

"Whatever.." She tried to be unbothered.
Emphasis 'tried'.

"I promise we'll spend time tomorrow, princess."

The fire-born flushed even more but refused to show it. She was embarrassed enough for the day.

"Well then, I'll take my leave, enjoy your er..whatever that is you are doing." Panchali replied.

"But I'll enjoy it even more if you're here though. Your flushed face is not something I get to see everyday." Arjun drawled out slowly, leaning against the tree he was near, muscular arms crossed, a amusing little smirk on his face as he searched his fire-born's eyes with his.

He was way too beautiful to be alive.

The nonchalant composure with a bored stare, she was oh so hard trying to keep was getting difficult maintain and she knew if she stayed any longer she would be a stuttering shying mess infront of him, and that's the last thing she wanted. She had her pride to keep, and she knew her husband could see it too. The reason why his smirk was getting stretched more and more.

Nope! Not Today.

The panchal princess spinned on her heels as elegantly as she could in the predicatement ( she might've slipped a little,but she refused to acknowledge it.) her chin raised just right.
Then muttering a small 'bye' that was sure he heard, she fled away from there.

Arjun smiled a genuine, fond smile at her retreating figure. His eyes shining with nothing but love and tenderness for the that person who held his entire world.

And if Draupadi had turned behind, she would have seen the eyes glistening with so much love, only for her.

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