Chapter seven

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Let it go


Within seconds, two large, muscular arms enveloped me. His gentle hands slid from my spine down to my lower back, pulling me closer until we rested together. To my surprise, instead of feeling shy or hesitant, my body responded by leaning into his touch. I couldn't comprehend what my brain was thinking or how to justify these actions, but now wasn't the time to ponder responsibility. I focused on forgetting everything and everyone else, immersing myself in the intoxicating moment.

It felt surreal, like living in a dream. Soft, melodic music played in my mind as my hands rested against the chest of a man who seemed straight out of a fairy tale. His striking eyes held mine captive, each glance stoking a fiery intensity within me. Standing before him, I felt safe and secure despite the obvious danger. He drew nearer, our lips barely an inch apart. I could feel his breath against my face, sending electric pulses through my entire being.

"I bet this is the best dance you've ever had," he murmured confidently.

I froze, words failing me while my eyes continued to study him unabashedly—it was hard not to.

"I don't know if it's the best; I've never danced with anyone before," I managed to reply, trying to maintain composure.

He smiled proudly, his charm unabated. "I bet you'll dream about this forever."

I reminded myself of self-respect and control, needing to respond cleverly. "Oh come on, I didn't even want to dance with you. You were the one who insisted in the first place."

Leon exuded narcissism and overconfidence; someone more perfect than me would be his ideal match. Leon Ricardo was entirely off-limits.


A sudden scream shattered our intense moment. We both turned in surprise to find Theodore, clutching his bleeding hand, broken glass and spilled wine surrounding him. Sam's likely involvement in pushing his buttons was the only explanation my mind could conjure.

"Theo!" Leon exclaimed, rushing to his brother's aid.

Seeing Theodore in such a state saddened me deeply. Sam approached me hurriedly.

"What happened, Sam?"

"We're going home, Elsa," she responded urgently, brushing past me towards the exit. I followed closely, keen to avoid any further discomfort. I reached out and gently touched her shoulder, silently offering my support. Sam was capable of handling her own battles. In silence, we drove back home, the weight of the evening's events hanging heavily between us.

"Sam..." I began tentatively after some time, hesitant to worsen her mood, searching for a way to lift her spirits.

"Can we get ice cream and watch 'Dumb and Dumber'?" I suggested, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Sam chuckled softly, "Dumb or dumper?"

"How about 'Scary Movie'?" I countered, joining in her laughter. Her smile brought me immeasurable relief.

"Elsa, I'm so lucky to have you," Sam said warmly. She wasn't one to freely express her feelings, but over the years, our friendship had unlocked different facets of ourselves.

It wasn't long before we arrived home, though too late to shop for anything; stores were already closed. We removed our makeup and climbed into bed, facing each other. Sam's expression betrayed her inability to sleep; the evening had clearly affected her deeply.

"Sam?" I whispered softly.

"Yes?" she responded, her smile fleeting this time.

"Elsa, I don't really want to dwell on it; it doesn't matter. I don't care about anyone, especially that bastard," Sam said firmly.

"You're right. And besides, we won't see any of them again."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, puzzled.

"I deleted his phone number," I confessed, half-expecting her to be upset, but instead, she smiled.

"You had his number? Well, it's probably for the best. I'm not interested in knowing him personally; let's just leave it as a celebrity crush."

"I never thought I'd hear that from you," I admitted with a mix of relief and uncertainty. "I admire him as an idol, appreciate him as a musician, but that's all. I can't let myself hope for something unrealistic."

Sam's words resonated with logic, yet I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that perhaps she was also trying to convince herself.

It was early morning when I woke up, immediately after seeing a nightmare. In the dream, I felt like I was back in the exact moment when I danced with Leon. As we were dancing, I inexplicably confessed how much I loved that dance and how it would be stuck forever in my mind. Then, the worst part happened: I kissed him. It was my first kiss, something I had never done before, and it felt like a big deal to me. I never wanted to share such a significant moment with the wrong person.


Sam and I prepared for work after breakfast.

Our boss gathered the restaurant staff. He's old but expects perfection. "My son, Andrew, will supervise. He's a pizza expert." Andrew, surprisingly young, tall, and serious, would oversee us for a week.

"Okay, everyone, Andrew will ensure perfection."

Sam whispered, "We'll face hell."

We returned to work; Andrew scrutinized each of us. Nervous with his constant monitoring, I struggled.

"Your name?"

Andrew stood behind me with a notebook.

"I'm Elsa, sir."

He towered over me.

"Elsa, from now on, you'll handle two processes. Sam, come with me."

Now alone, I missed Sam's jokes. Andrew's strictness annoyed me; he corrected everything.

"The cheese isn't evenly spread! What are you doing? Don't use so much sauce!"

I almost lost my temper. Breathing deeply, I calmed down.

"Don't talk to me like that unless I'm wrong."

Andrew stepped closer, his blue  eyes intense.

"You're wrong. I demand perfection."

Despite my anger, I stayed calm.

" This is my best, don't expect everyone to be an expert!"

His expression changed; he moved closer.

"How dare you? Leave! I can't work with you."

I left, sad and stressed, now I needed to find another job. Working alone without Sam hurt. Unexpectedly, tears flowed; I cried on the way home. Recent events had shaken me; only God could help.

A car stopped; a well-dressed man approached.

"Ms. Ludovi , Leon Ricardo is waiting for you!"

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