wisdom teeth.💌

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I was in the mini-van with the triplets, about to go to get my wisdom teeth removed. I was absolutely terrified, to say the least. The guys had already had theirs out a couple of months ago, and were fine, but that didn't make me feel any better.

"I won't be able to speak or eat anything for fucking ages!" I exclaim stressfully, hands on my head.

"Calm down, it'll only be for a week that you can't eat solid foods. But I promise I'll get you ice cream and jelly all week." Matt says while driving. 

"B-b-but what if they mess up!? What if they take out the wrong teeth or give me too much medicine!? I'll die!" I rant on.

"Y/n, look at me love. Nothing will happen to you. They've done this a million times, if they mess up they would get fired." Chris says, turning around to look at me.

"It won't even hurt. Trust me, I hate needles and it didn't even hurt me." Nick says, patting my shoulder. 

I stay quiet for the rest of the journey until we get there. 

"I'm not getting out! You can't make me!" I say aggressively, not taking my seat-belt off. The three of them were gathered at my door, trying to convince me to get out.

"Just get it over and done with Y/n!" Nick says, yanking my arm.

"Nope." I sigh stubbornly and Nick lets go. 

"Y/n, if you get your wisdom teeth taken out, I'll watch Wednesday with you again and get you a sweet tea from Mcdonald's tonight." Chris says gently, holding my hand. 

"Hmm, the whole series?" I ask, considering his offer.

"Yup. Every single episode."

"Deal." I say, getting out of the car.

"Who knew Chris had any sort of control over Y/n." Nick said under his breath and Matt laughs. 

We get in and a surgeon comes and says my name. 

"You can take one person with you Miss Y/l/n." The surgeon says, gesturing to the triplets.

"Chris, I'm sorry, but I don't want you to see me in such a state. Matt, can you come with me?" I say quietly, shaking slightly.

"It's okay. Good luck Y/n." Chris says encouragingly. Matt stands up and comes with me. Matt was the first person I had met from the triplets, and he had seen me go through the most, which is why I chose him to come with me. 

"You okay?" Matt asks me, looking concerned at how pale I was.

"Mhm." I say, not looking up from the floor. The surgeon laid me onto an odd bed and then took out some weird equipment. 

"Okay, I'm gonna give you some anaesthetic which will send you to sleep." She says and stands over me. Matt comes to the other side and gives me his hand. I squeeze it, scared about the shots.

"It's okay, squeeze my hand as hard as you want." He says, smiling comfortably. She gave me the shot, which only stung for a second, and then everything went black.

I woke up, feeling weird and dizzy. 

"He-hello?" I say with a slight lisp. I feel my face and it feels swollen. It hurts really badly if I touch it. 

"Oh you're awake, let me get the surgeon." I hear Matt say somewhere, not bothering to look up. I hear the surgeon come in and speak to Matt.

"She's gonna act a bit woozy, but that'll only be for today." She then comes to me and speaks to me.

"Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?"

"I don't know." I mutter. She helps me stand up and I hold onto Matt for support. 

"Okay, you can go home now, Well done Y/n!" 

"Heyyyyyy." I say to Matt, who laughs. 

"Hey Y/n." 

"OMG, look at that gorgeous guy!" I say flirtatiously, gesturing to Chris when we see him as we're walking outside. 

"Hey love. You alright there?" Chris asks me when I get to him. 

"You're gorgeous...but I can't date you, you're way too out of my league." I say to him. Nick laughs and Matt whispers something to Chris and Nick. 

"Not really, but if you say so." Chris says and gets in the back with me. 

"Y/n, what colour is the sky?" Nick asks me in an annoying voice, which causes Matt to punch him before turning on the van. 

"Mmmm green." I say, drumming my fingers on the window. We don't really speak much for the rest of the journey home, I just fall asleep on Chris' shoulder. 

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