it is real(pt 2).💌

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As Matt, Nick and I leave, we see Madi outside the building.

"Madi! What the fuck are you doing here!?" Nick yells out the back window. 

"I was busy at work all night, a-and this morning I opened my phone to a one sentence message from Y/n, and I just had a really bad feeling." Madi says as Matt gestures her to sit in the car. She gets in next to Nick and Matt starts to drive to the hospital. When we get there, I see Alahna and Nathan already standing there. 

"Guys, are you all here because of-" Alahna quietly said, running over to us as we get out of the car. Nick nods nervously, but I just ignore them all and head inside. When we see the reception desk, there's already a line so we end up having to wait. 

"Chris, it'll be okay." Matt says and puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"What did she message you guys?" I ask them nervously, trying to hide all emotion.

"She just said it's not worth it anymore Madi. I love you." Madi reads off her screen. 

"I didn't get a message, but Nessa did and she asked me if Y/n was alright, and when I messaged Alahna, she had gotten a message as well." Nathan said.

"All she said was I love you Alahna, but it's better this way." Alahna read and then turned her phone off. 

"Nick, Matt, did you guys get anything?"I asked them, not making eye-contact. 

"Well, I haven't checked but I'll check now." Matt says and they both pull out their phones. 

"i'm fine Matt. I love you." Matt read, and looks up at me. 

"take care of him. I love you Nick." Nick whispered, loud enough for us to hear.

"But who is...him?" Alahna trailed off. Nick, Madi, Nathan and Matt all look at me, but just in time, our turn comes in reception.

"Hello there, what can I do for you today?" the receptionist said cheerily. 

"Hey, I would like to see Y/n Y/l/n." I say, trying to ignore the others' whispering. The receptionist types something on her computer, but her face drops. 

"She's in room 23, third room in the second corridor." She says straightly. She hands me a pass and a landyard that says visitor. She hands the others a landyard as well and I head to the room she told me. I scan the pass on the machine and the door handle unlocks. Inside, there's a nurse, who looks at me in grief, and an unconscious Y/n laying on a hospital bed, in the same clothes she had arrived at the party in. There's blood all over her neck and the side of her face, her legs and arms are covered in cuts and scars as well. I run over to the bed and sit on it, taking her hands into mine. The others are behind me, but I don't bother acknowledging them.

"Y/n, I know you're in there somewhere. I know somewhere inside of you, you're alive." I rant, and then I look at the nurse, who now stands up on the other side of the bed, while the rest are at the end of the bed. 

"Do something, please." I begged the nurse with tears in my eyes. 

"It's too late." The nurse says, her eyes are also brimmed with tears, and she leaves the room. I burst into tears and pull Y/n's body into me, not giving a fuck if it's alive or not. 

"It's all my fucking fault! I fucked it all up!" I cry out loud. Matt and Nick both have a hand on my shoulders, and after a good 10 minutes, I let go of Y/n and hug them both. 

"Chris, it's not your fault. I promise. Life was just getting hard for her, with her parents, her social life, online hate, and everything else. It just got to a point where she couldn't take it anymore." Matt explained gently. 

"Even though her body may be gone, she's still with you. Here." Nick says and puts a hand on my heart. 


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