Mine Now (NR)

6.3K 50 7

Characters: Dark Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Rape/non-consensual sex, non-consensual bondage, kidnapping, knives, non-consensual drugging, forced pregnancy. Natasha has a penis.

Word count: 5.7k

A/N: Please don't read if you're triggered by reading about sexual assault - this is incredibly dark. Feel free to leave any comments below!

It was a rather crisp March morning in New York City, but having moved from London 3 years ago, it was nothing that you weren't used to, wrapped up in a cream-coloured puffer jacket and some red touch-screen gloves, you set off on your journey to ...

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It was a rather crisp March morning in New York City, but having moved from London 3 years ago, it was nothing that you weren't used to, wrapped up in a cream-coloured puffer jacket and some red touch-screen gloves, you set off on your journey to work. Leaving London as a fresh-faced 21-year-old, to fulfil your dreams of living in New York, you never expected to be where you are now, working as an agent in a highly secure government agency - SHIELD. When moving, you didn't really think too much about how you were going to afford to live, you were just too excited to be living in such a bright and vibrant city full of life, luckily, you had a cousin who agreed to put you up until you found a job and could afford your own apartment. It had been 4 months of tedious and unsuccessful interviews when you stumbled upon the job opportunity at SHIELD, granted, it was only a receptionist's job, which you considered a little bit of a lowly job, however, it paid well, given the extremely sensitive nature behind the organisation, so you jumped at the opportunity.

Upon entering, you greeted your co-workers with a cheery smile and a little wave before setting down behind your desk and preparing for the long shift ahead. The day had barely started, but it already felt like you'd been there for hours, and you just couldn't wait to get home and laze in front of the television with a microwaveable meal and a glass of wine. That all changed though, when you saw a fleck of that iconic red hair in your peripheral vision. That hair belonging to the most attractive woman you had ever seen, Natasha Romanoff. Plump pink lips, a cute button nose and those beautifully iridescent jade eyes that sparkled beautifully when the light hit them.

"...Y/ N?" Too busy thinking about the Russians near perfect features, you didn't realise she'd come over and struck up a conversation with you. "Huh? Did you say something Agent Romanoff?" at your inability to realise you were staring directly at the spy, she just smirked at you. "Having pleasant thoughts there дорогая (darling)?" "Err, no, A-agent, just thinking about..." Normally, you were a very assured young woman, not cocky or arrogant, but you carried yourself with confidence, yet with one look at the other woman's smirk, she'd managed to turn you into a stuttering mess. "Don't even bother trying to finish that lie. I'm a spy, I know everything детка (baby)." Desperately, you tried to scramble some words together in order to form some kind of cohesive response to the Russians light interrogation, but alas, nothing came out and instead, your mouth gaped open like a fish taking in air.

Sensing the uneasiness, she lightly laughed at the state you were in, before finally breaking this weird level of slight sexual tension "Relax darling, I'm just teasing, although, I do hope it was me you were thinking about?" she questioned you with a playful little pout, before breaking out into another of her signature smirks. God, how you loved that smirk of hers, but you always wished you could wipe it off her face somehow. Gaining a little confidence, albeit fake, you finally managed to reply to her. "Well then, I think you'll be pleased to know that I was thinking about you, Agent Romanoff." Capping off your sentence with a cheeky little wink, you decided to be even cheekier and keep running with your slight flirting, "in fact, I think you'll be pleased to know that I spend a lot of time thinking about you." Your own tiny smirk had her faltering for a second, just a second, but you still took it as a small win. "Well then детка (baby), it seems like the feeling is mutual. What does your evening look like tonight?" "Tonight, consists of homemade, by which I mean microwaveable, lasagne and binge watching some crappy reality tv show, that I will unconsciously find myself sucked into." through a light chuckle, she replies "Not anymore, you and I are going out tonight, dress up nicely and I'll pick you up at 7.30pm. See you later and don't forget to text me your address!" before you could question where she was taking you, she was already walking off, swaying her hips from side to side, no doubt with an extra bit of sway just for you.

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