Til' Death Do Us Part

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Pairings: Dark!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, unnamed GN character x R (previous).

Warnings: Knife play, non-consensual sex, breeding, mentions of murder, allusions to mind control. Natasha has a penis.

Word count: 2.4k

You were nervous to say the least, last minute wedding jitters, coupled with the fact that your partner should already be standing here, next to you outside the courthouse

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You were nervous to say the least, last minute wedding jitters, coupled with the fact that your partner should already be standing here, next to you outside the courthouse. "Cait, where are they? Surely they should be here by now?" your best friend and witness, all rolled into one, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, in an effort to calm your worries. "Babe, calm down, you're gonna work yourself into a panic. I'm sure they're just held up by the traffic or something, but don't worry, they'll be here soon."

You looked at her through glassy eyes and spoke with a shaky voice, "Are you sure? What if they've changed their mind and decided they don't want to be with me after all?" She forcefully grabbed your chin, "look at me, I promise they want to be with you. Have you seen how they look at you? They look at you like you're the most important person in the world. They think that you personally hung the moon and the stars in the sky, so don't you ever doubt their love for you." "You're right, sorry, I'm just wondering what's taking them so long." In that moment, your phone vibrated, signalling you'd just received a text message.

My Love: Hello darling, I'm on my way, go in and wait at the altar for me. I love you, see you soon xx

"That was them. They said that they're on the way and to wait at the altar for them, which is a little strange, I thought we'd walk in together, but no matter. I'm just glad that they're finally on their way and we're one step closer to getting married!" Cait pulled you into a hug and looked at you with a wide smile that soon turned into a small smirk. "See, I told you they'd be on their way soon. And look at that, I was right." You playfully shoved her towards the doors of the room where you were getting married, "alright smarty-pants, now let's get in there before your head gets any bigger and you can't fit through the doors." Giggling, you entered the room as she stood motionless at the entrance with a pout on her lips.

Another ten minutes or so passed and you could sense that the officiant's patience was wearing thin, "I'm so sorry they're late, they're picking up their witness and I'm guessing there was some traffic, because they're never late for anything. In fact, I'm usually the one being told to hurry up." Letting off a slight nervous chuckle, you looked at the officiant as they just looked at you with a tight-lipped smile, clearly not happy with your partner's tardiness, especially on today of all days.

Finally, the doors burst open, and your partner was here. Except they weren't. Instead of seeing your partner in their suit, in walked Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow, and the woman who just so happened to be your ex. Flanked by none other than the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff. Needless to say, you were flabbergasted at their presence, so by the time they reached you at the altar, you hadn't said a word and your mouth was gaped open like a fish taking in air. "Hello darling.." she paused to lean into your ear and whisper to you, "...play along like a good little girl and everything will be okay, alright?" You didn't move, which caused her gaze to harden and her grasp on your hand to tighten, both acts signalling something that clearly meant 'don't fuck with me, otherwise things won't end well for you.' Wordlessly, you nodded, so Natasha sighed in relief and turned to face the officiant with your hand grasped firmly in hers.

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