Lost and Found Part 2 (SJ)

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The following week seemed to drag by and the longer you went without hearing from Scarlett, the more disheartened you became at the possible thought that she no longer wanted to go out with you

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The following week seemed to drag by and the longer you went without hearing from Scarlett, the more disheartened you became at the possible thought that she no longer wanted to go out with you. Soon, however, your worries were quashed when you received a text from the blonde beauty.

Scarlett: Hey, I'm sorry for not being in touch, work has been piling up unfortunately. Are you free tomorrow lunch for a coffee?

Y/N: Hi Scarlett, that's fine, I understand you're a busy woman. Tomorrow lunchtime sounds perfect.

Scarlett: Amazing! Meet me at The Beanery on West 70th at 12pm. See you tomorrow!

Y/N: Fab, see you then Scarlett!

With a smile on your face, you decided to pick out an outfit ready for tomorrow, making sure that you were prepared for your date with the Hollywood starlet. Unfortunately, you had a tendency to overthink things, which is why you found yourself stressed out, sat on the floor, and surrounded by several shirts and trousers. "Okay Y/N, calm down, it's just coffee, coffee with Scarlett Johansson. "Oh god. She's her and I'm just well, me. Agh, why did I agree to this? What could she possibly see in me?! No, no, no, stop being silly Y/N, she's a regular human being at the end of the day – you'll be fine. Now stop talking to yourself and pick out a bloody outfit." 20 minutes later, you'd calmed down from your internal, and external panic, and finally decided on an outfit ready for tomorrow.

The rest of the evening seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, you were in bed and falling asleep with a smile on your face, ready to accompany Scarlett out on your long-awaited coffee date.

When morning came, it seemed like the universe was truly on your side, Alia wasn't grumpy for once when it came to getting for school, and the weather was also relatively nice; a bit chilly, but that was overshadowed by the glorious sunshine beaming down on Manhattan. You'd decided on a pair of wide-leg beige trousers paired with a white button up blouse and denim jacket, complete with your favourite pair of white trainers. After applying a light smattering of makeup, just to highlight your natural appearance and hide any blemishes and placing jewellery in your seemingly never-ending ear piercings, you were off on your way to go and meet Scarlett at The Beanery.

Arriving at the coffee shop, you decided to grab a seat by the window so you could watch New Yorkers and tourists alike view the city that you called home, call it being nosy, but really it was just an occupational hazard that you slipped into. It always filled you with joy seeing people explore the area that you lived in, truth be told, it reminded you of when you first moved over here and viewed the wonders of New York with an almost childlike joy. Ringing of a bell drew you out of your thoughts as you stopped people-watching to see your date walk through the door, dressed in smart black trousers that perfectly accentuated Scarlett's natural curves, and a striped, white crop top, meaning you could just see the bottom of her rib tattoos if you looked closely enough.

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