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Scarlett Johansson x fem!reader

Word count: 2k

Fluff! A smidge of angst and some suggestive language.

Tumblr request: Can you do an f!reader x Scarlett Johansson fluffy fic? Where the reader is insecure of being just a normal person and worries that Scarlett would want someone much better than her. The reader even worries that she's going to leave like everyone else in her life. Make it a fluffy comfort-type fic, please?

You never thought you were anything other than ordinary, in fact, all your life you'd been told as much

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You never thought you were anything other than ordinary, in fact, all your life you'd been told as much. People thought that you were nothing special, hell even your own family thought that, so that's what you programmed into your mind. You got so used to it, that that's all that you wanted to be, just ordinary and boring little old Y/N.

However, that all changed when one person came into your life, that someone being your girlfriend, Scarlett. Scarlett Johansson, the Hollywood star, is your girlfriend, which would've shocked anyone, but especially you. A very strange thing, you thought, but that didn't matter because the truth of the matter is that she is your girlfriend, and she loves you very much.

On the morning that you met, it was a particularly frosty morning, and you noticed the blonde beauty walking into the coffee shop where you worked, which caused you both to end up staring at each other. Time stood still for you as you got lost in those sparkling emeralds that shone, even with the dim light of the coffee shop. You were still staring when she ordered her drink and completely missed what she'd said to you, still looking at her like a lovesick puppy. She pulled you out of your dream-like state with a small chuckle and a perfectly raised eyebrow. Apologising, you asked her to repeat her order, waving you off with a quick swipe of her hand, Scarlett told you it was fine and repeated her words. Finishing her coffee, you brought it over to the table she had perched on and made your way back to the counter, but before you could even take a step, Scarlett handed you a piece of paper with some digits on it - her digits! Flabbergasted with what had just happened, you stared at her in shock before she closed your hand around the piece of paper and turned you around so you could get back to work.

The start of a beautiful relationship is how you'd describe that warm yet chilly morning. It was one of your favourite stories in your relationship and everyone loved hearing it, especially Scarlett, who said it was a very special day in her life. One of the other ones being the day that she gave birth to her beautiful daughter, Rose, who you loved like she was your own, which she basically was since you'd been with her mother since Rosie was only around 2 years old. Another special day in your life was the day that that beautiful little girl called you Mama, you cried for what felt like hours as your heart beat in your chest harder than it ever had before.

Although Scarlett told you she loved you - her special girl as she'd nicknamed you, you still couldn't help feeling that you weren't good enough for her and that she could do so much better, today being another one of those days.

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