Happy Little Accident (NR)

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Tumblr request: Can I request g!p Nat x reader smut? Where Reader is an agent who's close to the team and Tony throws a party and all shield staff was invited. Reader and Nat both get drunk and hook up. Reader becomes pregnant and her and Nat talk about it and start secretly seeing each other. With Reader obviously pregnant the avengers make a bet on who the dad is which amuses Nat but makes her a little annoyed. And when Reader gives birth their daughter (?) looks exactly like Nat.

Warnings: Smut (Natasha has a penis), unprotected sex, pregnancy.

Word count: 5.4k

Everyone hated, loved, a Tony Stark party

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Everyone hated, loved, a Tony Stark party. Usually someone would end up spilling some kind of secret, like the one-time Sam bought female underwear to spice up his sex life with Steve and Bucky, or they'd end up breaking something after having too much of Thor's Asgardian ale. Most people in SHIELD had never experienced a Stark party, as they weren't part of the close-knit group, however you were a close friend and regular colleague of theirs, as you were one of the highest ranked agents SHIELD had to offer, so you had been to many of them. Naturally, most of the agents jumped at the chance to attend a party hosted by the billionaire, desperate to get a glance at the heroes up close and personal, whereas, you weren't too bothered, having been to far too many of these parties in the last few months, as the man threw a party for absolutely anything and everything he could.

The night of the party came, and you dressed in the most gorgeous strapless burgundy dress, which really showed off the curve of your hips and the fullness of your bosom, yet still left enough to the imagination of those whose eyes descended upon your figure. People knew you were beautiful, yet they never got to see how beautiful until you stepped into the room. Agents saw you in a new light as they were so used to seeing you dressed in full combat kit, always ready for a fight, but here you were, dressed to the nines and looking truly relaxed for once. Although it may be your night off, you were still prepared for the worst, strapping your gun to your thigh, just in case anything was to happen, aka another Ultron fiasco.

Slowly, you made your way to the bar, soaking up all the attention that onlookers gave you, making you feel powerful and even more confident than you already felt in this outfit. You sat down at the bar after ordering your drink from the barman and waited patiently for him to pour your tipple. "Wow. You look incredible, I swear you get more and more beautiful at every party Tony throws." As your guest spoke, the bartender placed your drink in front of you before moving on to the next customer. "Such a charmer, aren't you Romanoff?" "Well, it's true, you look very beautiful Y/N." You finally turned your head to face your admirer, and when you did, you were blessed with the sight of Natasha Romanoff dressed in a dark sapphire gown, which closely hugged her upper body, but flowed gently at the waist all the way to her ankles. "I must say, you look very beautiful yourself Romanoff, trying to impress someone?" She smirked at your flirtation, "I don't know, is it working?" chuckling softly, you stopped playing around and decided to be honest with her instead, "yes Natasha, you've definitely impressed me, you always do." "Now who's the charmer?" "My parents taught me to be honest, especially when in the company of beautiful ladies, and you're definitely one of those." Carefully, to avoid hurting you, she locked her hand around your wrist and pulled you to sit on one of the sofa's where you could talk more comfortably.

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