h.yj • you come home to her sleeping in your hoodie

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y/n pov

le sserafim finally finished with their anti fragile promotions! although their practice doesn't stop there.. they have been practicing nonstop for the end of the year award shows and getting ready for their japan debut next year. they've been working extremely hard.

with all that being said, i've really haven't had the time to even see my girlfriend, yunjin. we've had brief exchanges where we see each other while the other is on their way out. but with my school and her work, our schedules constantly clash.

today is the day where i'll finally be able to cuddle her tonight! it's been so long.

i unlocked and opened our apartment door quietly incase yunjin was already sleeping peacefully.

to my surprise yunjin wasn't sleeping in our shared bed across the hall. she was in our living room sleeping on the couch, the tv being at full blast.

i giggle to myself as i grab the remote to turn off the tv, she watching idle's nvde mv.

as i place my bags down, i accidentally knock over her water bottle, so much for not waking her up..


"hey sleepy head, go back to bed i didn't mean to wake you."

you notice yunjin try to fight sleep so she can get up and talk to you.

"no no i'm up i'm up," she hums while sitting up, removing the blanket from her body.

i tilt my head in confusion, "you're wearing my sweater?"

"oh yeah," she giggles to herself. "i missed you a lot, i couldn't resist going into your closet, sorry."

"you look soooo cute," i pounced on my girlfriend.

"ah! y/n!!," yunjin giggles as she pulls her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her than before.

"i'm sorry i also couldn't resist jumping on you," i smiled.

"how has practice been? are you and the girls doing alright?"

"we are good, it's been fine.. it gets tiring but seeing the fans faces light up because of all the work we put in honestly makes it so worth it," yunjin smiles to herself recalling all the moments with her supporters.

"how's school treating you babe?"

"aw i'm glad, i know your fans appreciate everything you girls do."

"school has been okay but i rather not talk about such a boring subject," i laugh.

"i know you're still tired though, how bout we get in bed?"

"cuddles?", yunjin cutely asks.

"you don't even have to ask jen," i say while pulling her up by her waist giving her a sweet peck on the lips.

"come on let's head to bed."

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