m.sk • you come home for christmas

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third person pov

y/n, who was originally born in the states, went back to celebrate the holidays with her family. she hasn't seen her family for multiple years ever since moving to south korea. while she loves her new life, at times it's been really tough on her.

y/n has been planning for awhile to take a long vacation to visit her family. unfortunately her girlfriend sakura wouldn't be able to attend because of her work schedule.

y/n had left to go back to the states early november. now it's christmas day and y/n was on her way back to spend christmas with her beloved girlfriend. but the thing is, sakura has no knowledge of y/n coming home for christmas. for all she knows, y/n is still coming back in january which was the original plan.

y/n had been in close communication with her and sakura's close friends. letting them know her plan of coming back home early, making sure they don't tell sakura about it.


"this is so sweet! spending christmas together like a family!" kazuha says enthusiastically.

sakura sulks in her seat. she should be enjoying herself with her friends but instead she's sad that her girlfriend isn't with her today. not to mention y/n still hasn't texted sakura to wish her a merry christmas. sakura knew she would be busy with her family but the least she expected was a text from her girlfriend.

"oh sakura come on! don't be sad," yunjin says sympathetically while she wraps her arms around her friend.

sakura sighs, "i'm sorry guys, i didn't mean to ruin today."

"you didn't kkura! we understand, right guys?" eunchae motions to the others.

the girls nod in unison.

chaewon was currently in the kitchen, suspiciously watching her phone as she waits for a text from y/n. once she finally received that text, she proceeds to begin the plan.

chaewon steps out the kitchen with a smile on her face, "how bout we order pizza? we can order your favorite sakura. maybe it can make you feel better?"

sakura thinks for a moment, "hmm that would be nice. i can order it, i have some discounts i need to use anyway."

"NO!" chaewon shouts making all the girls worriedly turn towards her.

"um i mean no.. it's fine i can order. it's my treat haha.." chaewon nervously tries to save herself.

"oh.. ok?" sakura confusingly replies.

chaewon laughs nervously while she goes to sit down with the other girls.

about 15 minutes pass and that's when the girls hear a knock at the door. everyone knew what that knock on the door meant, and of course sakura thought it was actually pizza.

"is anyone going to get that?" sakura says as she notices none of the girls going to get the door.

"girl it's your house!" eunchae points for her to get the door.

sakura gets up in a huff and walks to the door.

sakura opens the door and without looking at who it was, she says "hi there, how much is the total?"

"it's free!"

sakura looks up in shock as she could recognize that voice anywhere.

"oh my god y/n!?" sakura says as she tackles y/n to the floor.

y/n's head smacks against the porch floor, "ouch!" she screams.

"y/n i've missed you so much," sakura cries while hugging onto her lover.

sakura shifts over to let y/n get up.

"surprise," y/n says while holding her head.

sakura let's out a laugh, "i'm sorry babe."

y/n goes in to give sakura sweet kisses on her lips, "the girls helped me plan this."

"i'm sorry i didn't text you. i was busy getting on the plane and rushing here."

"don't even worry about the text y/n. seeing your face and having you here with me is so much better than any text," sakura replies before returning more kisses to the other.

y/n smiles brightly at her girlfriend before pulling her into the tightest hug ever.

in the background, you can hear the girls giggling at the two. happy to see their friends are happy and together for christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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