h.yj • you flirt with her at her job

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y/n pov

you had recently moved to a new city. you just got a new job and you were still getting settled in your apartment. you've been here for about two weeks and while you figured it would take time to make new friends, you still couldn't help but feel super lonely.

although there was something that eased the loneliness just a bit.

when you first got to the city, you did a drive around to see the food and entertainment spots they had. you ended up finding a coffee shop which fortunately turned out being close to your new job. you weren't able to take a peek inside because your time was limited but you made a promise to yourself that you would soon.

when you started your new job a couple days ago, that's when you decided to check out the coffee shop. and before you knew it, you had found yourself engaged in a full blown conversation with the barista.

and now you've continued to come every morning before your shift, like a routine.


you pull up to the coffee shop in your car, peering through your window to see if the girl is there today. once you confirmed she was, you parked and headed inside.

you see the barista lift her head from whatever she was doing to greet you.

"oh it's you again! are you back again to terrorize me?" the girl said while sticking out her tongue.

you laugh while you sit down on the stool in front of her, "i would hardly call it terrorizing."

"i'm only joking, i enjoy our little encounters each day."

"whatcha want? same as the other days?" she continued.

"sure," you simply stated.

she smiled back at you, turning around to make your coffee without another word.

as you watch her work you realize you've never asked for her name nor did your eyes ever fall down to her name tag. now you were curious..

after a few minutes pass by the girl turns around and presents her work, "ta da!"

instead of looking at the drink you look around her shirt for a name tag. yunjin.

"yunjin," you read out loud.

"pretty name for a pretty girl."

the other blushed at your sudden words. she looked down to where you eyes were staring and seen you were looking at her name tag.

"and yours?" she said while looking back up.

"y/n", you smile.

"pretty name for a pretty girl", yunjin mimics you.

"hey! you can't just steal my line like that!" you say in disbelief.

she sticks her tongue out yet again.

just then, another customer walks in.

"don't leaveeeee," you groan.

"my gosh we haven't even known each other for long and you're already that desperate to keep me here!"

"i'll be quick," she winks.

she did in fact keep her word. she quickly took care of the customers needs and then focused her attention back to you.

"see, what did i say?"

"super quick," you nod in agreement.

the two of you continue to talk for what feels like hours. that is until you glance down at your watch and see the time.

you jump up quickly, "fuck!"

yunjin gets startled by your sudden outburst.

"what's wrong?"

"i'm late for work," you quickly say before packing your things together.

yunjin's face fills with some guilt as she realizes she's the reason you're late for work.

before leaving you pull your phone out of your pocket and hand it to yunjin.

"oh my don't you think it's a little early in our relationship for you to be gifting me something already!" she says while fake gasping.

"very funny. i want your number."

she smiles widely before looking back at the phone and entering her number.

"alright then get going you're already late! don't come tomorrow because i'm off," she says while handing the phone back to you.

"what if i want to see if another pretty girl works here?"

yunjin jokingly rolls her eyes, "then you can delete my number."

you laugh, "joking of course. i'll see you later yunjin," you smile while waving at her.

"till next time y/n."

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