k.cw • you get stuck in an elevator with her

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y/n pov

you lost your job a few months back and have been applying for literally everything and anything ever since.

you were finally able to receive an invitation for an interview with a shoe store about a week ago. that interview was scheduled for today. only problem is, you're running late.

you burst out of your dorm room, still pulling your shoes on while running down the hall. the interview is at 12 and it was currently 11:50. your alarm didn't go off in time making you sleep in. you still had to exit the building, leave the parking lot, and get on the road. not to mention the traffic at this time, you were screwed.

you continued down the hall trying to make your way to the elevator. you check your watch, 11:51 a.m.

you finally reach the elevator. in attempt to make the elevator door open faster you continuously mash the button down. even though that does literally nothing to help you out.

as soon as the elevator door opened you rushed inside. 11:54 a.m.

"i was having such a great day and of course i had to run into you," a voice says.

you didn't even know you entered an elevator that had someone already in it. you look up from your watch to see a short haired girl, kim chaewon of course.

you and chaewon got off on the wrong foot from the get-go. every interaction you've had with her has been absolutely terrible and it doesn't help that she's extremely rude. you haven't even done anything to her, at least that's what you thought.

you groan, "chaewon please i'm not in the mood to argue with you today."

"nobody wants to argue with you! i'm just letting you know i'm not excited to see you."

"right back at you," you reply.

after a few moments of silence, you notice the elevator hasn't moved to the next floor. but before you could react, chaewon had already taken notice of it as well.

"what the hell is wrong with this elevator!" chaewon says as she kicks the door.

"fuck this can't be happening," you say while checking your watch. 11:58 a.m.

there was no way you were making it to the interview on time. first impressions are always key and you just blew yours.

you slide down to the floor and sigh.

chaewon starts pressing random buttons, trying to see if something can trigger the door to open. she had already pressed the emergency button but now it's just a waiting game.

"ugh i'm not even getting reception here!" she screams.

"this is all your fault you know? you're not the only person who needs to be somewhere and now i'm stuck," chaewon continues.

"with you out of all people."

"i've barely spoke to you, i'm not doing anything," you look at her.

"it's your presence that's bothering me. if i were to get stuck here alone it would be fine. now please stop staring at me!" chaewon glared back.

you can't help but to sigh. there's no winning with that girl. she hates your guts and as far as you know it's for absolutely no reason.

so now you blew your interview and you're stuck in an elevator with someone you don't get along with. great.

"would you please stop sighing so loud like you're distressed or something? it's really annoying."

you look over at the girl who is standing around with a hand on her waist, shaking her head back and forth.

she snaps her head towards you, "what."


"god i can't do this! with the staring and the constant sighing you're really driving me insane! i need to get out of here," she yells again.

it was silent again.

everything you do is bothering her. you could move an inch and she would be mad. it was starting to get on your nerves.


she turns to you again, "what now."

"why are you so rude?" you say while you continue to look ahead of you.

chaewon stares at you in disbelief.

"i'm.. i'm not. you just bother me," she shrugs her shoulders.

you stand up slowly, facing her, "but why? i haven't done anything to you."

chaewon looks away from you, basically refusing to answer.

"i'm not a bad person you know?"

"i know you're not!" chaewon raises her voice.

"i'm not trying to argue i just want to understand why you hate me so much."

"i don't.. okay?" chaewon mumbles.

"you don't hate me?" you ask, a little shocked at her response.

"i'm not repeating myself so hear what you want to hear!"

you can't help but to giggle to yourself. you still don't know what exactly makes chaewon act that way towards you but perhaps thats a conversation for another time.

just then the elevator doors opened back up, revealing where you had originally started off.

chaewon clears her throat, "well i should go now.. i'll be taking the stairs, we obviously can't trust these elevators" she says while stepping out.

you follow behind her.

"chaewon maybe we can actually talk sometime. you know, without arguing?" you turn to her.

she pauses.

"i'll think about it.. no promises", she says with a faint smile before walking off.

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