h.ec • you TP a strangers house with her

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y/n pov

"eunchae!" you hiss at your friend.

you and eunchae, your best friend, had just gone on a late night shopping spree for things you needed.

the two of you were on your way back to your place until your best friend got a bright idea whilst strolling in the neighborhood.

eunchae thought it would be the best idea ever to TP this random persons house.

now you were following in her footsteps, helping her in the mischievous act.

"whattt," eunchae laughs as she throws the toilet paper across the yard.

"would you hush your laugh is going to wake up this entire street."

"and that's not how you tp," you continue.

"oh my highness i'm awfully sorry! please go ahead and show me how's it done," she mocks as she hands you a toilet paper roll from the pack.

"you know i paid for these right, they weren't cheap."

"what's more important to you? making memories with your best friend or a 12 pack of toilet paper rolls."

you couldn't help but to just shake your head at your naughty friend.

"fine but i really will show you how it's done," you say while TPing the entire tree in front of the house.

"ha!", you stand back to look at your work.

"alright you win, it looks good," eunchae snickers.

"it's fun to see my bad ways rubbing off on you."

eunchae was right, before you met her you would never even think of doing something like this. you've always been a goody two shoes. you were even surprised that you and eunchae had clicked so instantly at that. ever since then eunchae has been pushing you further and further out of your comfort zone but in a good way. you've been able to experience so many different things, stuff you would have never imagined doing with eunchae.

you smile back at eunchae, "let's get the roof, looks kind of bare don't ya think?"

"that's my girl!", she says while throwing a roll, aiming for the rooftop.

"oh shit!", she yells.

instead of landing on the roof, eunchae missed terribly and hit the glass window on the first floor. while it didn't break, it made a loud enough sound that anyone inside the house definitely would of heard.

"the lights came on! hide!", you whisper shout to your friend while ducking behind some bushes.

"oh we are so fucked," you let out in a huff.

eunchae couldn't help but to giggle at your distress.

eunchae peeks her head up a little bit, not enough for anyone to see but enough for her to assess the situation.

"fuck why don't we just run? it's not like they'll catch us," you say nervously.

"we could.. or we can wait it out and have even more fun," the younger replied back.

"i wouldn't typically say this is f-."

"motion! i see motion inside the house," eunchae cuts you off.

you curiously poke your head up like eunchae's, also inspecting what was happening in the house.

"do you think they are gonna come out? what if it's a creepy old man?", you say trembling in fear.

"oh you're such a baby!"

you playfully smack eunchae's arm.

"oh my god the door, it looks like they are coming out."

you both watch anxiously, anticipating a creepy old man to step out the building.

instead you're brought with a young girl with a black bob who pokes her head out the door.

she notices the mess and steps out of her house completely.

"who the hell did this!", the unknown girl yells.

eunchae being eunchae couldn't contain her obnoxious laughter and blew your cover.

"who's over there, show yourself!", she angrily says while walking to where the laughter was located.

"run!", eunchae yells while grabbing your hand and some bags.

you and eunchae continue to run and in the distance you hear the girl yelling.

"come back here you two! god teenagers these days", she says while shaking her head disapprovingly.

"i.. i can't run anymore," you fall to the floor after running for which felt like an hour.

"my gosh how thrilling was that y/n! did you see the look on her face when she heard us."

"yeah let's just hope she didn't see our faces, i'm too young to go to jail," you say in a huff.

eunchae chuckles, "you won't be going to jail alright. come on let's go home," she says while holding out her hand.

you happily take the youngers hand, letting her pull you up, "eunchae you're too much."

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