Reunification and Disorderedly Conduct (❤️)

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A/N: This is my first time writing these )two. Hope you enjoy 🤍, the plot picks off right after the last episode of the series!
There IS smut but it has a lot of background before it. Work for your rewards people, I promise it'll be worth your while 😉

I spent a good long time thinking after the events that occurred.

I pictured my pondering as a deep recollection of everything- every dead person, every red herring, every person I thought I could trust and the ones I thought I couldn't.

But that's not how it went.

In the most morbid, cynical way possible, my mind chose only to think about the man, and monster, that betrayed me.

Tyler Galpin.

I hated him. At least that's what I told myself.

But every time I thought of him, I could taste his lips on mine again.

Every. Time.

I guess God is being extra torturous. Having my first kiss, first crush, be a monster.


But it was just that- torture. Plain torture.

But then it turned into more.

I still went to Weathervane, though. Where else would I go? Starbucks?

The sheriff sent Tyler to a very private and invite only therapy for hydes. I was given no details. I thought he might be there forever, but no.

Because on a Wednesday afternoon, he was there.

When I looked at him, it all came back. First the bad, then the good. The amazing, amazing good.

"Hey, Wednesday."

"Hello. Still wanting to kill me?"

"Wednesday, I-"

"Yes, I know. You're 'better,' you say. You gained 'control,' you say. You no longer have a master, you're independent. I must say that deserves a slow clap. But you still destroyed parts of me I'll never get back, Tyler."

"Like what? I broke your heart?"

"You know as well as me. I don't have one."

I shamefully made glances at his lips. I could feel my own hormones and biology betraying me. And I knew he noticed. He always noticed when I faltered, Tyler reveled in it.

"Wednesday. I spent so. Long. In therapy. And you know what they say," Tyler started, whipping out an espresso cup. "Therapy only works if you want it to. I bet you know that very well."

"Hurry it up, Tyler."

"Well, I wanted to do therapy. For you. Because I knew, deep down, beside my uncontrolled fucked up excuse of a conscious, that me loving you was not part of me being a monster. In fact, me loving you was one of the only parts of ME left in me, I was all hyde, except for my love for you."


"Don't Tyler me, God. You have no idea how much I regretted the words I spoke to you. At the police station, God! I know that hurt your nonexistent heart, Wednesday. Fuck!"

Tyler proceeded to slam his hand on the counter as the expresso machine happily poured my quad. What a show, I must admit.

"You're still planning to kill me, aren't you? Who's your new master?"

Wednesday Addams x Tyler smut / fluffshots (Wedler)Where stories live. Discover now