Coffee and Comfort (💚)

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A/N: a short fluffy piece to self sooth me because i cried and had a panic attack today el oh el


I was never good at comforting people.

Whenever I think about it, I think of the time I tried to comfort Enid on the balcony.

She said it herself: I sucked.

However, I'd make an extra effort for someone special.

I eyed him across the coffee shop, hastily fixing with the machines and keeping himself busy despite us being alone, as it was almost closing time.

His eyes looked a little dull, and his expression was a little more sunken.

I could understand those signs from my boyfriend.

"Boyfriend" always sounds so incredibly weird to say, but it was true.

I can't deny we had som sickening attraction to each other since day one of meeting.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he leaned against the table with his arms, looking down at me.

I silently moved over, making room for him to sit right beside me, and he promptly did.

"You seem depressed."

"Right to the point, huh?" he laughed slightly, but I saw right through it.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's all just... a bunch of stupid stuff. Stuff with my dad, basically running this shop at this point, dumb friend drama, it's all little things. But they're all stressing me out cumulatively."

"I..." I started. "I'm sorry about that." Those words always got caught in my throat, no matter how genuine they were.

"It's okay, Wednesday, really, I'll be fine," he reassured me.

"I know, but, that doesn't mean I can't help you feel better," my voice went soft and syrupy, the way it always did when we were alone together. I hated it, but it was instinctual.

I wrapped my arms around one of his and looked up.

He leaned down to meet me halfway, and we kissed.

It was soft, loving, and gentle. The kiss told stories of comfort and hope and future happiness. I could tell it was healing for him.

We pulled apart and I kissed his cheek once more.

"Do you want to stay in here with me for a while?" I asked.

"You're joking, of course I do," he whispered.

I pulled out a novel, The Bell Jar, and read it while my head rested on his shoulder. He tried to follow in the book too, but his head leaned on mine, and he was drifting in and out of sleep.

It was perfect.

And he was perfect.


A/N: I rarely write soft wednesday but yk 🤭 i liked this

Wednesday Addams x Tyler smut / fluffshots (Wedler)Where stories live. Discover now