Chapter 3

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"Ma'am? Ma'am?" A flight attendant is tapping me on my shoulder, shaking me out of my sleep, "We need to clear the plane for cleaning."

I sit up, realizing that the plane has long landed and I'm the last one on board. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I notice a small piece of paper on my thigh. I flip it over and read the small scribbled note.

I'm not sure why I feel upset that he didn't say goodbye or wake me up, but I quickly brush away the thought

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I'm not sure why I feel upset that he didn't say goodbye or wake me up, but I quickly brush away the thought. I have an hour to get to my next gate and I'm determined to be one of the first to board so I can finish my nap.

As I head through the connecting tunnel, I take out my phone and see that there are even more new voicemails : 5 from my mother, 2 from my sister, and 1 from Adam. I decided to listen to his first.


Voicemail (Adam) : "Seriously, Paris? Are you really that fucking immature to where you can't say no to my face? You needed to go across the country? I told you I was sorry about the grad school things months ago and you're still not over it? Is that what this is about? If it is, that's fucking bullshit. You and I belong together and you know it. This is just another silly misunderstanding and I would really appreciate it if you came back. Call me when you land so I can fly you home and we can talk. Remember that the ring is 2 carats. I spent a lot of money on it, so I think you should be more grateful. Talk to you soon."


Typical Adam.

No, "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us,". No, "I love you" at the end. Nothing. I don't bother listening to the other voicemails. I want to wait until I have some alcohol on standby, until I can comfortably curse aloud and yell at anyone who dares to tell me that dumping Adam is a bad move.

Too lazy to pull out my ticket, I look up at the wall of screens ahead and look for my gate.

Jeju, Gangnam, Itaewon - Gate F - Delayed?

Great! I squint my eyes so I can better see the number next to the gate, but a voice comes over the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Incheon International Airport, due to warnings from the national weather advisory board regarding an incoming snowstorm, all of tonight's flights have been indefinitely grounded. Please check with your airline's respective desk agents for updates regarding rescheduling and for hotel accommodations if you choose to leave the airport. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but please know that the safety of our passengers is our first and utmost concern."

"What?!"...... "Are they serious?"........ "Get the fuck out of here!"...... "I need to get out of here tonight!"

Angry voices are everywhere, and suddenly everyone is pulling out their phones and relaying the bad news. Annoyed, I head to the nearest desk agent line and return my mother's call.

Airport Layover || ft. Kim Seokjin [Jin] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now