Chapter 6

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"Is that everything? Can I go to my room now?" I place a shopping bag onto the floor and table.

SeokJin shakes his head and leads me into the living room, motioning for me to lie back against the pillows

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SeokJin shakes his head and leads me into the living room, motioning for me to lie back against the pillows. For the past few hours, I've been tagging along and watching him shop for storm supplies. Even though I thought the people in this city were overreacting to this invisible storm, the second we finished buying overcharge blankets, the parking lot had been covered in a light snow and the skies had turned grey.

"It'll probably get worse as the days go on. We should probably get a few more things." he'd said.

Those 'few more things' turned into a lot more things, and I swear we stopped at every store in sight. He bought candles, flashlights, sleeping bags, draft sealant, and to thank me for being his company, he bought me 4 more silk slips and a white robe. As ridiculous as some of the comments he made were ("You should model those slips for me one night..."), I actually enjoyed being around him.

"Are you tired?" He turns on the fireplace

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"Are you tired?" He turns on the fireplace.
"No, just disappointed."
"Why?" he ask. I shake my head. I don't want to bore him with any more talk of Adam, "Why, Paris?" He walks over to me and raises his eyebrow. When I don't say anything, he sits on the couch and pulls me into his lap. Before I can move, he begins to massage my shoulders.

 Before I can move, he begins to massage my shoulders

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"Are you from Busan, Paris?" he whispers.
"Born and raised. You're from Incheon.?"
"You took a flight from Gwacheon to Daegu and then to Incheon? That doesn't make any sense."
"I didn't create the flight plan." His hands softly rub the back of my neck. "But I'll be sure to share your concerns with the airline the next time I fly."
"You should... You should definitely do that...Next time you fly..." I bite my tongue so I won't murmur, so I won't give him any idea about how good his hands feel.
"Tell me why you're disappointed." He ask the same question again. I shake my head, and he gently tilts my head back until I'm looking into his eyes, "Tell me."
"I don't want to hate my ex-boyfriend anymore."
"Then don't."
"Easier said than done..." I sigh as he caresses my shoulders again, as he blows soft and gentle kisses against my neck.

Airport Layover || ft. Kim Seokjin [Jin] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now