What even are those giant puddle things???

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Frisk stood in front of a dark corridor.

"Oh, I wish I had a flashlight!" Frisk grumbled.

"There's a path right there," I pointed out.

"But where am I supposed to go from there, huh? Exactly!" Frisk complained.

I groaned and went over to the glowing mushroom and poked it with a vine. It lit up another path.


"See? That wasn't hard," I rolled my eyes.

Frisk giggled and rubbed the back of her neck. She ran up, past me, and pressed the next mushroom.

"It would really help if there wasn't like... Very skinny paths surrounded by water. Or more bridges were here," Frisk said. She reached a dead end, but saw another mushroom from the other side.

"HEY! This is stupid!" Frisk yelled. She ran back and continued around.

"I am going to talk ot whoever's incharge of this and tell them that it's stupid and dumb," Frisk claimed.

"I think it's funny," I claimed with a teasing smile.

"You KNEW it was the wrong path!" Frisk accused. I did, but that was besides the point.

"Maybe!" I simply said.

"Oh! I can see the path over here!" She said happily. She read the sign on the wall.

"Hmm... Without candles or magic to guide them Home, the monsters used crystals to navigate?" Frisk looked at it, confused. It would have been so much easier if she remembered what she was doing.

I sighed and tapped the lantern.

"Just keep going," I said. Frisk nodded and started running, before almost tripping and deciding to walk instead. All I had to do was tap a lantern when it was about to go out, and then just use my memory to catch up! Easy!

Frisk was standing in front of a knee deep pond... Or something. Really giant puddle. Who knows.

"I really need to take a shower..." Frisk mumbled. She stuck her finger in, "Why is the water so cold still!" She yelped.

"You're going to have to wade through it," I pointed out.

"Eehhh!" Frisk groaned. She put one foot in.

"I will push you in."

"Wh- HEY! You can't even reach the bottom, this is unfair!" Frisk complained, "I can't push you back in!"

"Just get in! You won't have to stay in it for that long, when you find land just come back and tell me," I didn't feel like searching for it. Frisk just sighed and nodded.

She was taking a while. It's been a minute and she was still gone. Alright, it wasn't that long, but I was impatient.

Maybe I'd look on my own?

I buried underground a little lower then normal to avoid the giant puddle and came back up on the other side - before immediately ducking and hiding. How did Undyne get there??? Did she get there before us??? Was she just waiting??? I felt so stupid for forgetting about her.

"With that power, ASGORE can finally shatter the barrier," Undyne... Continued? It seemed I only got there in the middle of her dramatic monologue.

"He will finally take the surface back from humanity... And give them back the suffering and pain that we have endured. Understand, human? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up your SOUL... Or I'll tear it from your body."

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