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"I am so disappointed in you, Young Master," Ron said, to which everyone agreed.

"This is hilarious! This is exactly the kind of work I'm up for while glorifying my bastard Dongsaeng's life!"

"I'm so sick of Young Lord Cale's idiocy," Rosalyn exclaimed. "Who in the world thinks they're sick the first time they meet a girl?!"

Whitara, "I did not expect that. That was disappointing. I was expecting something flowery and shiny. The slow motion scene was perfect too... hah..."

Tasha, who hasn't said anything until now, said, "Considering it's Young Lord Cale, that was within expectation."

Everyone had fallen silent, before they all spoke, "Yeah. Right. How could we forget?"

"The screenwriter for this... I'll chase him down and smack his head," Cale grumbled.

The following moving image on the screen depicted the sun shining brightly in the sky before panned to land on the entire Henituse Duchy was thrown into chaos. The great Commander, the Duke's Family's trash, the king's sworn brother, and the newly appointed Grand Marshal is SICK!

"They didn't have to enumerate that."

Eruhaben deadpans, "they have to. Because it's interesting."

"I doubt it." Ron comments after seeing him on the bed flushed but healthy enough to be considered sick. Ron had been with him for the past years and he know exactly what going on with him more than himself. There is no way, that kind of diet and forced workout would make this puppy master sick.

Every renowned healer, priest, and even mage came to the villa at Deruth's command. Even the royal healer came in a rush to check on him.

And their diagnosis is the same.

"he's not cursed."

"he's healthy."

"There is nothing wrong with the General..."

Only one answer differed, and that's from the great dragon, "his brain is sick."

Eruhaben let out a satisfied rumble affirming that his diagnosis was correct.

Retorted Beacrox and Ron who answered in unison, "as if he's normal in any way."

"Hoho." The father and son smirked. They have been with him more than the rest of their people.

"What does meeting someone have to do with my disease?"

Eruhaben stared at him but did not answer him. Suspecting.

"I saw a prospective hunter... and then, a girl..."

"hunter?" Lock tilted his head to the side, "but you with a girl when we saw you, Cale-Hyung-nim."

Raon, "yes! You were staring at her intently!"

On, "yes! Yes! Cale-nyah looked stupid."

Hong assented, "yes! Cale-nyah was standing there like an idiot!"

"hoho?" Ron chuckled darkly as if he had the answer to what kind of sickness his young master had.

Cale looked at them. Why do all their smiles feel terrifying right now?

Deruth finally stood up, but he had a huge toothy smile on his face, "I see that my son was inflicted with an incurable curse."

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