Chapter 5: Takemichi's P.O.V

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Chapter 5: Takemichi's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, and groaned inwardly. After I started to move, I realized someone was laying on my chest. It was Mikey, who was snoring very cutely by the way.

After trying to gently push Mikey off only to have him wrap himself around me, I gave up. So I simply stroked his hair, figuring the day could wait. It made me happy that Mikey wanted to sleep in my room. Although I couldn't push that tiny piece of worry out of my mind.

Fuyu and I had met them later on in their lives. They had been together for years, and known each other since childhood. Who were we to disrupt that?

Somehow I couldn't help but feel like a bother or a burden. Surely it was all just in my head, otherwise they wouldn't tell me and Fuyu that they loved us right? Otherwise Mikey wouldn't be taking turns spending time with each of us, right?

It was all just in my head, but I could tell Fuyu felt the same way sometimes. They were so close all the time and-

Don't think about it, I thought.

Sighing I leaned back and detangled my hands from Mikey's hair. It was only a few moments before I felt Mikey move and when I opened my eyes, he was staring down at me, his hair out of its tie, making it a total nosebleed moment.

I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment and didn't say anything when he leaned down to give me a kiss on the head. "Good morning~ Takemitchy."

I flushed slightly from the nickname, muttering, "Don't call me that."

Mikey frowned at me and poked my cheek. "I like it though, and don't be all emo this early in the morning." This made me frown.

"I'm...emo?" I asked blankly. All I got in response from him was a long stare. And it was a really long stare which made me concerned. "What?" I asked with evident confusion.

"Takemitchy, you wear black practically everyday, your room is completely dark except for the lamps Suya got you, you wear one earring everyday and you barely talk."

I opened my mouth to speak but Mikey cut me off. "When your at meetings, you type on your computer all the time and freak all the subordinates out. If someone so much as looks at Fuyu or the others, you kill them with a stare."

This made me blink, and when once again I tried to speak, Mikey continued on. "When you do talk, it scares every person in the nearby radius because you seem so dark and cold."

At this point, my heart was literally gone. Did I really act like that?

I could care less about others but I cared about what my boyfriends thought of me. Was I really that weird? Just because I didn't talk that much and was protective?

"But me and the others know its just your personality with people your not close to. You really are a cute goofball," Mikey said with a smile.

Despite what he said, it hurt and I didn't like feeling hurt. I was tired of feeling hurt. Pushing Mikey off of me, I got out of bed, grabbing a sweatshirt, that was indeed, black.

"Mitchy, did I say something wrong?" Mikey called out.

"No, Mikey," I said flatly. Then I walked out of the hallway and to the elevator, not before hearing a loud sigh from Mikey, which hurt more than anything. I was a burden, wasn't I?

After telling the guard to take us down to the lobby and to bring my car around I pulled out my phone that was thankfully in my pocket. Opening the camera I examined myself, black hair, blue eyes, not the beautiful blue eyes that were striking and unique, but the boring dull blue. My face was average, and I wasn't hot or beautiful like Baji and Suya.

What did they like about me? I honestly didn't know.

Once the elevator door opened I walked out through the main lobby, to the entrance where my ride was already waiting.

"Good day, sir," My driver said as he opened the door. Saying nothing I got in. Honestly I didn't know where to go, I just wanted out. "Go to the connivence store," I said flatly. He nodded and pulled out of the loop. The drivers name was Johann. He was always calm and polite to me, but I could always see the kindness in his eyes. He worked hard for his family, his wife was working two jobs, while also caring for a sick son. I knew how much he needed this job, I also knew how proud he was and didn't like handouts.

To put it simply, I trusted him. He had been driving me around for almost 3 months now. Usually that isn't long enough for me to trust someone, but his kind nature relaxed me. I confined in him, and he was loyal and respectful.

"Am I average looking?" I asked randomly as he drove, making him pause.

There was a long moment of silence as he figured out what to say. Long pauses usually meant bad things right?

"No sir, but I'm not the best person to ask about that," He replied awkwardly.

I sighed and simply nodded, going into my state of apparent "emo". 

Hi Guys! I'm working on another piece with Tokyo Revengers with my fav show of all time SEVEN DEADLY SINS!!!!

Its gonna be a poly AU in Tokyo Revengers setup. Please check it out when I publish chapter 1, I dunno when that will be tho!

Stay safe, comment please and vote! 


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