Chapter 8: Takemitchy's P.O.V:

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Chapter 8: Takemitchy's P.O.V:

(I'm well aware I'm spamming Takemichi and Chifuyu's P.O.V, but its for a good reason! I love all the characters equally and will give them their fair share eventually. Although I might be a major simp for timeskip Kazutora :> but frr isnt he hot?!)


I woke up with Kazutora (Speak of the actual devil ;) on top of me snoring peacefully in my room. His sleeping face was more peaceful than his daily face could ever be. His face was just so beautiful, his black and yellow hair down sprawled all over my chest.

Wait a moment. What did we do last night?

I squeezed my cheeks cautiously and when no soreness occurred I let out a relieved sigh. Kazu was a beast in bed, but what was more surprising was the fact that we didn't do anything. Somehow I might have been to tired last night and forgot everything from after us curling up together.

After turning my head I was met with brilliant amber eyes staring at me, the raven haired man never looking away.

Which means he saw me ogling at Kazutora. I simply didn't say anything, my face pink.

"Your too adorable," Baji said, his voice smooth and calm, which sent shivers up my spine.

"I'm not adorable, anything but adorable and cute."

He smirked and jumped on Kazutora.

This made him thrash around, and when his eyes opened, the dark fire in his eyes scared me.

He was about to punch Baji when he flailed over but stopped when he saw it was him and the fire vanished just as quickly as it came. "Don't do that Baji," He snapped.

Baji pecked him on the neck and mumbled an apology that he 100% meant. Definitely

The weight of both their bodies made me groan uncomfortably, finally alerting Kazutora of my presence.

"Oops, sorry baby," He said as he shoved Baji off of him and rolled over.

"Awwwwww Tora, why don't you call me baby~?" Baji asked another smirk on his face.

"Because your not a baby, your a demon," Kazutora snapped and whacked him on the head.

"Now now Kazutora, who are you calling a demon?" Baji replied, his voice extremely hot and-I hated to say it- sensual. It made me flush even though he wasn't talking to me.

Kazutora on the other hand had slightly pinked cheeks, as he was exceptionally good at hiding how hot he thought Baji was.

"Fuck off bastard." Kazutora growled as he rolled off the bed. Although he pecked Baji on the cheek as he left to go downstairs, his ears red.

"Love you too," Baji yelled after him. Earning a "SHUT UP" in response.


After Baji and I had a nice make out session, we headed downstairs after seeing the time of 8:45.

"God, I have so much work to do," I groaned out as I leaned on the wall of the elevator.

Baji frowned at me and grabbed me by my waist, making me lay on him. "H-hey! I can lean on the wall, well without your help!"

He looked down at me as he was several inches taller. "Nonsense," He said with a click of his tongue as the doors opened.

He finally let go of me so I could walk out, leaving me scowling, but happy because who wasn't happy to be in love with people who loved you back?

Mikey perked up the minute he saw Baji and ran over to him like a silly little kid clinging onto him. It was ridiculous how he could be so calm and collected, then turn into a child in the blink of an eye. It made me happy to know that it was because of us, his boyfriends.

Don't get mistaken though, Mikey was a beast, and could be scary at the snap of a finger.

"Oi, oi, oi, Mikey get off of me!" Baji yelled making Mikey pout pitifully and lamber over to me, peppering me in light kisses.

I could tell Baji enjoyed the attention though, as he smiled when he thought no one was looking.

Mitsuya was making breakfast and Chifuyu was helping him, despite not knowing how to cook. I could hear Mitsuya chuckle every time Fuyu frantically asked for help. Kazutora was laying on the couch in the den, snoring. Cute.

Although nothing about Tora was cute, everything about him was hot though.

After Mikey stopped showering me with kisses and had moved on to Mitsuya, much to his irritation, we ate breakfast. Once we had finished and cleaned the dishes for Mitsuya, Mikey told us we had a whole gang meeting in a hour. He seemed really happy about it, which must explain his excited mood this morning.

But what was so interesting about a gang meeting? I glanced around seeing my same sentiment on the others faces. "What's so important about this meeting that's got you all excited, Mikey?" Kazutora asked, his voice lazy as he laid in Mikey's lap. It was obvious after learning his personality, that he was extremely observant.

"Nothing," Mikey said, but there was still a small smile on his face.

Kazutora said nothing, simply waiting for whatever was going to happen, happen.


When it was time for me to get ready, I put on a stylish white shirt with a black sweater on top that Mitsuya made me, black ripped jeans and a few rings and earrings, I left early, because I like to be early and observe.

(This is the shirt but the sweater is a little lower so you see more white)

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(This is the shirt but the sweater is a little lower so you see more white)

Parking my bike that Mikey gave me, I walked up the stairs to the pathway to the shrine. Only when I reached the entrance did I realize I didn't put my Toman uniform on. Oh well.

There were only 6 people already there, talking in pairs. When they saw me, they bowed, one of them from Mitsuya and my division.

"Sir," The man said in a firm voice as he bowed. I gave a small nod and they relaxed, going back amongst themselves. I continued walking the path, stepping up the stairs and sat down, waiting for the others at where Mikey usually stood.

Pulling out my phone and occasionally glancing up to observe the increase of people I looked the cute photos of my boyfriends that appeared in my photo app's memories. It almost made me smile when I saw Chifuyu and Mitsuya with their arms on each others shoulder. I was so invested that I didn't even notice the shadow that was overcasting me. It only alerted me when the screen darked from the shadow, making me start slightly.

If I had noticed the crowd go silent, then maybe I would have been alert for the storm that was coming.

Looking up, a man wearing a hoodie loomed over me, his obsidian eyes dark and unreadable as he said, "What the fuck are you doing sitting in the commanders spot?"

Damn Mitsuya and Chifuyu for being so adorable.

Who do you think it is? Comment about it. 


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