Chapter 12: Kazutora's P.O.V

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Chapter 12: Kazutora's P.O.V:

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It had been 3 days since Draken had rejoined us at the house, and to say I liked it better when he was gone is an understatement. Before Draken had left, Mikey always clung to his side, overeager to be around him and every time he did Mikey's hair, he would lean his entire body onto him. Like Mikey wanted to merge with Draken. When Draken was there, he had no time for...not to say the others but more specifically me.

I felt like out of the whole group, Mikey liked me the least. I tried to be someone Mikey would like, but in the end Mikey was mysterious. What did he specifically like in the others? What was it that I needed to do for him to maybe like me a little bit better. Just as I thought things were actually getting better, Mikey would start smiling at me, little pecks here and there, even cuddles, Draken had to come back.

So here I was, dragging myself out of bed to get breakfast downstairs when I saw Mikey give Draken the most blinding smile ever at the breakfast table. A real, genuine smile. I want them to look at me like that too. I want Baji to give me hugs everyday and for Mitsuya to do my hair. I want to know what that's like. Immediately I felt a surge of guilt. It wasn't like I didn't have that. Chifuyu and Takemitchy give me plenty of attention, love and affection, vise versa. But even I saw it on their faces, the way the looked at Draken from the couch. Jealousy.

"YO KAZUTORA QUIT GWAKING AND BRING ME MY FOOD", Baji yelled out from the kitchen table. My jaw twitched and replied, "Get your own food asshole. I'm not your errand boy." Baji sighed, then huffed then stomped over to the kitchen counter where Mitsuya was piling food on plates. I followed suit to get my breakfast. Specifically designed for my own tastes.

"Thanks 'Suya", I said. He hummed in response. I honestly just wanted to grab him and get the hugs myself. But Mikey didn't want Draken knowing about us which was honestly stupid because he would find out eventually anyways.

I plopped down at the kitchen table and started to eat only to stop when I saw Draken staring at me. "Wpfhat?" I asked, mouth full. "Your not wearing a shirt," was all he said in response. "So?" I said blankly. He stared pointedly at my chest, making me glance down. Hickies from 3 days ago with Takemitchy and Chifuyu. "You had a hot girl over or something?" He asked, amusement glinting in his eyes. The room grew silent, Mitsuya even paused plating to look up. I glanced at Mikey and saw the look in his eyes. A warning.

"Yeah." I mumbled quietly and shoveled food in my mouth. I guess we never came out to each other until we got together after years of pining. More so the others over each other than me. It felt so stupid. Why should I have to hide for Draken? I didn't give two shits about the dude, always taking stuff that could be mine.

Once we finished eating and clearing the dishes, everyone went to the den to watch a movie. The worst part was it was awkward. Everyone was usually so used to piling on top of each other to curl up together, but since Draken was there we all had to sit a "respectable" distance from each other.

My agitation only grew when Chifuyu and Draken started talking quietly, movie forgotten and when they started to laugh. Like his jealousy disappeared almost instantly. Somehow Draken had that effect on people. To make them feel safe and content, I'd seen it happen to everyone else. Draken never tried with me though, probably because I was to hopeless. I'd heard it so many times before, from teachers, people my own age as I grew up, even my parents. Useless, crazy, unpredictable, heartless.

Finally letting out an annoyed sigh I stood up and went to the elevator pushing my floor number. Pulling out my phone I texted Sanzu once the doors opened. I flopped on the mini couch and waited for an answer. (BTW Theres a bedroom, bathroom, a mini fridge, a couch outside the bedroom with a TV)

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