Chapter 7: Mikey's P.O.V

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Chapter 7: Mikey's P.O.V:

I stared blankly as Mitchy left his own room. I could clearly see the hurt on his face, after learning to read his facial features. The only thing I didn't understand was why he was hurt. Was it something I said?

Flipping over to be facedown on the covers, I inhaled Mitchy's scent. It smelled like him, blueberries on a early morning. He was just so cute, and I didn't want anything to happen to him. The silk black sheets he had worked hard to find, honestly no one could rock black like him.

Then it hit me.

When I called him emo, I said it like it was a bad thing, and forgot to include context that I thought it was cute.

"What a idiot," I muttered.

I needed to make it up to him, and apologize. Knowing he wouldn't respond to texts I made my way downstairs, not wearing a shirt. On the main floor (not the lobby) I asked the guard where he had went, but didn't get a clear answer.

Like a sad dog I shut the elevator door with the button and trudged over to the couch in the den.

"Baji," I wailed, loudly might I add.

There was a long moment of silence and I prepared to yell out again when a voice yelled from the main bedroom, "THE HELL DO YOU WANT YOU FUCKER?"

There was more silence before he emerged, his hair everywhere with a loose shirt on. "Thank you for coming out, my love~" I said with a small smile.

Baji simply stared at me for a long moment as if waiting for something. I stared at him blankly and he turned around and said, "If your not gonna say anything then I'm going back to cuddling with Mitsuya."

"Waaaaaaaaaaait! I messed up with Mitchy," I said with a small sigh. Baji stared at me again and then sat down beside me.

"I kinda told him he was emo....without including the fact that I meant it as him being cute."

"You what?" Baji rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Your such a goof ball. Of course Takemitchy is emo, but he's an ADORABLE emo."

I nodded miserably, hating my mistake. After finishing the story he kissed me lightly. "I believe you will apologize properly and make it up to him, you know how sensitive he is."

"I will! I'll take him on a date, and well...I was wondering if you guys would help me out a bit. I'm asking you so you can get the others together while I take Mitchy out. Once we get back, could we have a cuddle session for him?"

Baji paused and then laughed.

"He's our boyfriend, you don't have to ask. We would cuddle with him either way." I turned to see Mitsuya standing at the counter, wearing Kazu's shirt.

"Alright. I just want Mitchy to know how much we love him," I said with a smile.

Baji and Mitsuya gave a small nod.

"Wait, where's Kazutora and Chifuyu," I asked.

"Tora is upstairs and I think Fuyu left with Mitchy," Mitsuya replied.

"He was on his floor right?" Mitsuya gave a nod and I smiled.

"Better plan! Lets make sure both of them know how much we love them," I said with a smile.


After spamming Fuyu and Mitchy for an entire half hour, they finally responded saying they would meet me at the mall. Which was perfect since the cafe I wanted to take them to was inside the mall area.

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