Chapter 9: Takemichi's P.O.V:

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Chapter 9: Takemichi's P.O.V: (OMG HOTTIE ALERT?! ^^)

The man looming over me. There was something about him I didn't like. His tone, his attitude. It brought back memories. Memories that were best left dead. My eyes darkened.

"I'm not gonna ask again you punk. What the hell are you doing sitting in the commanders spot?"

I didn't answer him, choosing to ignore him because, I don't like brats like him.

"Takemitchy doesn't answer to people he doesn't like," Mitsuya called out calmly as he walked forward. Chifuyu was beside him, pure irritation on his face at his beloved partner being spoken to like that. Mitsuya's anger was more contained, but if one looked closely, they could tell if they knew what to look for.

Everyone in the clearing was staring, not sure what was going to go down. The entire gang was gathered, so it was crowded now.

"Now just who. The. Fuck. Are. You." Mitsuya said sharply, a wicked smile on his face. The man turned around and gasped. "Mitsuya?" He called out tentatively.

There was a long moment of silence, Mitsuya staring at him with confusion, even as the man slowly raised his hand and pulled down his hood revealing a black tattoo on the side of his head, in the shape of a dragon.

It couldn't be-

"Draken?" Mitsuya's voice was soft, light, gentle, a voice that was reserved for his boyfriends, most definitely not the vice commander of the most largest gangs in the entire district.

Mitsuya was about to say something else before Mikey yelled, "KEN-CHINNNNNNNNNN" and ran up to Draken out of nowhere, wrapping his arms around him like a little kid. Except he did that for his boyfriends, not some random person, who was most definitely NOT his most precious childhood friend.

According to the rumors, Mikey had given Draken a mission he didn't trust anyone else to do, a long one that took almost a year and a half. Right before Fuyu and I joined Toman.

I just stared awkwardly, so confused by the situation. "Oi, Mikey I told you not to call me by that stupid name in public."

The entire crowd finally processed what happened, so they all bowed, tribute to Draken. Despite not liking the man, I bowed as well and out of the corner of my eye I saw Chifuyu doing the same.

Even though we were executives, we were also vice captains, so we had no choice but to bow. The others didn't, because they were founding members and best friends. "At ease," Draken called out and we all relaxed. When I rose, Draken was staring me straight in the eye, observing me, to see if my behavior changed once I learned he was the second in command. Guess what brat, it didn't. So I simply ignored him. You don't just start walking up to random people, without knowing why they were there and cursing them out. Totally not what Baji, Sanzu and Kazutora did on a daily basis.

But, because my boyfriends were childhood friends with him, I guess I could be happy for them and quit being so sour. Standing up, I met Chifuyu halfway and we walked to Draken together, waiting awkwardly for them to finish their reunion. Mikey had told the crowd the meeting would start in 20 minutes, leaving everyone to keep talking.

After 3 minutes, Kazutora noticed and said, "Hey Draken, we want you to meet these two."

They all turned and looked at us eagerly, Draken was laid back though, his eyes flicking over us.

"I'm Matsuno Chifuyu, and this is my partner in crime, Hanagaki Takemichi."

Chifuyu gave a small smile. "Nice to meet you, Matsuno," Draken said, his voice like a calm waterfall. Which was unnerving because a real waterfall is never calm, its either roaring and flowing or soft and gentle, but rippling constantly none the less. Never calm.

"You don't talk much," Draken said to me, still not a sprinkle of emotion when it came to anything but the founders. I simply looked at him. "What's the point in talking when you have nothing to say?" I said calmly before closing up, letting Fuyu do the talking.

"Oi Draken, don't worry about Mitchy, once you get to know him he will open up to you. He and Fuyu think the same so he just does the talking for him and barely has to correct him," Baji grinned, throwing his arm around Draken's shoulder. It seemed somewhat hard because of the man's height compared to Baji.

Draken raised an eyebrow at the nicknames but said nothing.

"So what's your positions?" Draken asked us curiously.

"Takemitchy is my vice captain and Chifuyu is Baji's," Mitsuya answered for us. "They are also executives in managing trading and money affairs."

"In such a short time huh? You both must be impressive."

"You have no idea," Mikey said with a grin.

"NOW LETS GET THIS MEETING STARTED," Mikey yelled to the gang.

Draken followed Mikey up the stairs and stood in front of him, and it looked so natural on him. After his entire life of doing it, a year and a half wouldn't make him forget. He spoke of his mission and how he had to go undercover, but he didn't reveal all the details, just speaking of the reasons why it took so long.

Then he let Mikey talk, and it was short, sweet and simple, "TOKYO MANJI GANG'S VICE COMMANDER RYUGUJI KEN, A.K.A DRAKEN, IS BACK!"

Cheers went up and the crowd chanted "TOMAN" over and over.


Once the meeting was over, I was just itching to go home. Chifuyu sensed my discomfort and poked Mikey on his shoulder. "Mitchy wants to go home, and I'm tired as well."

"Alright, alright," Mikey said with a snort.

We walked over to our bikes and drove the short 20 minutes at top speed comfortably.

As soon as we reached the loop for the building, I was jumping of my bike, tossing the keys to the person at the loop. The staff bowed when I approached, long before the others, but they were tagging along. I could clearly see Draken's gears working from the corner of my eye as he observed how they knew me. It wasn't normal for vice captains to come to our building, only for official reasons, so he was probably wondering why I was going to their living quarters.

Once we all got in the elevator for the main floor yeah all 7 of us was a squeeze so I walked out quickly. Once the others all squeezed out, I could hear Tora and Fuyu talking loudly.

"I make the better waffles! You always burn them Chifuyu!," Kazutora snapped whacking the blonde on the head as he made his way to the couch.

"NO I DON'T!" Chifuyu was red with embarrassment. "They aren't that bad are they 'Suya?"

Mitsuya coughed and mumbled something about sewing a new shirt. "Wait Mitsuya! What does that even mean?!"

Draken snorted at their behavior as he inspected the rest of the penthouse. I guess it has been a while sense he's been here.

He was carrying Mikey and honestly Mikey looked so adorable. I'm literally so lucky to have 5 boyfriends.

Hi! It's me Sky.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Share your thoughts on Season 2 of TR so far! I'd Love to hear em. 

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