Chapter 2( Zaid's Photo)

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"I am not meeting anyone now, I want my own personal time", I said to myself and tried to act asleep.

I heard the knock on the door and quickly shut my eyes. Someone came inside and stood next to my bed. "OMG! My heart's beating so fast". Dear Heart, please relax! Will ya? Oh Commom! Stop talking with your heart Sara. *self talking*

Humza can never stay so quiet. Who it must be? , I started to become curious. "Kidnapper"? Though I wanted to get the kidnapping experience once but not today, I am tired ! "Kidnappers, come back tomorrow? Please?". 

"Holy shit! Sara, you are crossing limits, use some of your grey portion and find out who it is?" , I tried telling myself.

I heard foot steps getting closer to me and now I could smell the cologne. It was so strong, I felt dizzy, but I liked the smell. "Sara, stop enjoying the smell and wonder who is he"? He??

Yes, his cologne says so- but a 'he' in my room?

Who is this guy?

What is he doing here.

"Did I walk in the wrong house?". No stupid! , stop asking stupid questions from your mind. Urgh! "Why am I fighting with myself?". This guy, it's all his fault. He should not walk in anybody's room like this and what is he doing ? Staring at my back ? "Oh I can't take it anymore, I have to check who is standing in my room next to my bed"!

With much hesitation I turned around...

"What the fuck"?

It's "Zaid"..

"What is he doing here? And why I wasn't informed that he is suppose to come?"

Our eyes met and he had this smirk on his face which made me more angry for spoiling my resting time.


I heard a faint voice, I looked around, "fool it's Zaid's voice", don't I scold myself way too much? "I have never heard his voice before, okay?" I replied to myself.

This is for the first time I was meeting my Facebook friend. We knew each other because of family so occasionally we chatted on Facebook.

"Are you sleepy?" I heard the same voice again, oh shit I didn't even reply to his "Hi"!.

Why are you behaving like this Sara? i asked myself.

"Hello!" I finally replied. "Nobody told me you were coming", I said bluntly.

I was not in the mood to be nice.

 "Ouch! That's rude, well just to inform you neither did I know that I will be coming to your place", he said casually. "Oh! you can sit", I suddenly felt bad for being rude tom him so I offered him to sit by shifting aside my favourite Tom and Jerry comforter.

He sat on my bed. "so what's up"- He asked. "I came back from my friends place and was just trying to rest a bit", I said calming my tone a bit. "Oh that's nice, you look tired!", Sorry to disturb you", he commented.

"Look tired?"

Holy fuck! I am wearing oil in my hair, what a fail! ,I never wanted any guy to look at me like this. Oh crap it irriated me even more.

"I know I look like a mess but that's how a girl stays in their private room till their privacy is invaded", I said without looking at him. 

Oh shit! I sounded so rude, it's not his mistake at all. TOO LATE.

"Err excuse me, I already apologised for disturbing you", it's okay I won't be bugging you much",  he said with a hurt expression and started to get up from my bed.

"Noooo", I screamed -

"That's not what I meant". I am sorry for behaving this way, it's just that I had a long day", I said with a sorry expression.

"Oh it's okay, I can understand" he said giving a soft smile. I smiled back and then there was an awkward silence.

I know we have spoken to each other through Facebook but meeting in person it's like you are talking to a whole new person. So before I start zoning out again I tried to initiate a conversation.

"So who all has come with you?" I asked. "Umm my dad and my cousin -Adil, have you met him before"? he asked. "No as far as I remember I haven't", I replied with a confused expression.

"So let's meet him", he suggested. "Oh sure, lets go".

Before leaving the bed I realised what a mess I look. I can't help much so I decided to exit the room with the same look.


I went outside and met his family. Everybody started asking me and Zaid that how we know each other. We just casually replied 'Facebook' but some people were giving us the look as if we're dating. I felt my cheeks turn red, I looked at Zaid and even he was feeling embarrassed. Talk about awkward!

Sometimes our family embarrasses us so much that we start feeling more mature than them. It was one of the freakin moment which I was experiencing . I mean its ridiculous. This was the last thing I wanted to hear today that I am dating a person about who's arrival I didn't even had a clue.

I tried to take their comments very casually and excused myself from my family and of course my family friends.

I walked into my room, closed the door behind me and got back to my bed again. I tried to sleep but suddenly realised I walked out without saying 'bye' to Zaid. I didn't wanted to go back outside again so I decided to sent him a inbox on Facebook.

I picked my phone from the night stand and opened Facebook. I searched for his profile and started typing a message..

" Hey ! I am sorry for the rude behaviour as well as the outside embarrassment which our families caused. Adults they are :| anyway I will see you tomorrow if you are staying and for sure I will be behaving decently this time, its just that this is not how I was expecting us to meet. Thanks for coming to my house. Bye "

I pressed sent, kept my phone and slept.


Hi, I have edited the chapters. Hope you guys like it more :)



Keep reading, 

Love <3

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