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Sara's POV

One year later..

A phase of my life has come to an end. I am done with my degree course and today I am heading back to my country and my people. I wonder how I was able to stay away from them for all these years.

Zaid and I couldn't pull a long distance relationship so we went back to being best friends. The pain was incurable but we were helpless.

My aircraft touched the ground and I was breathing in my country. I quickly rushed out of the flight, took my luggage and went to the exit. No one was coming to receive me because everyone was at my graduation party.

The car was there to take me home where I had to get ready for the party and leave for the venue. I sat in the car and left for my place. I was so eager to meet everyone. My whole family was waiting for me. The driver received a phone call and he informed the person on call that he got me. "Must be my dad", I thought to myself.

I reached my house, it was empty except for a few helpers and staff members. I opened my room door and my eyes directly fell on the most gorgeous outfit ever that was lying on my bed along with other accesories, makeup and shoes. My parents leave me speechless with thier thoughtfulness. I picked up the outfit and went in front of the mirror.

"It was a royal blue colour Indian dress". I fell in love with it immediately. After admiring it for a few more minutes I decided to get ready.

I took a shower, and got dressed. I applied a little make up to go with the Indian suit. I let my hair down and made soft curls at the end. I was getting ready for my day, people were waiting for me and the best part was they were celebrating for me.

I gave myself one last glance at the mirror and left for the venue. I was so excited majorly because I was going to meet "Zaid". I wish I could move on....but I couldn't.

Zaid's POV

After one year of being apart finally the day has come when I can legally make her mine. I had been planning for this day for the past few months.

After coming back to India I told everyone about how Sara and I feel for each other but we were not in a relationship. I was tired of the way life treated us and our love. Now I wanted to make her mine fighting against all odds. I wanted to change her name to Sara Khan Ahmad.

I took her Dad's permission to marry her and thankfully I was successful in convincing both the families. Everything is set, I just hope Sara says 'YES'. I am pretty sure she will.

My soon to be fiancé is supposed to arrive anytime. I hope everything works out well, the way I planned it.

Sara's POV

I reached the venue with my heart beating really fast. It felt like something major was going to happen. I was nervous without any reason.

I reached the venue's doorstep and took a deep breath.

I entered the hall, it was totally dark.

Within a few seconds the spot light was thrown on me and in front of me started a video collage on a projector.

The first slide said-

"Zaid and Sara, from best friends to more than best friends"

The next slide showed my photo of the day I was born>then Zaid's photo> our childhood photos> teenage days> finally the day when we first met>we became friends> ofcourse the day when we fought> the day when we become friends again> then best friends> more than best friends> less than two days of relationship> back to being best friends> the next picture said -

"to be continued.."

I realised I was crying after watching the slides and reading the small sticky notes every photo had.At the end of the video there was a voice recording of Zaid's voice which said-

"I fell in love with you when we were together, then fell deeper in love with you in the years when we were apart"

After hearing this I couldn't control my emotions, I started crying.

Suddenly all the lights were turned on and---- "in front of me was Zaid down on one knee, holding a 'ring'."

"I was stunned", I couldn't beleive my eyes.

" Sara be mine forever, marry me ?"

He asked.

I couldn't control myself from screaming out a 'yes' but I first looked in the direction where my dad was standing, he nodded his head in approval. I was beaming out of joy.

I drifted my eyes towards Zaid and said-

" Ofcourse I will, make me yours already ".

Zaid stood up with the biggest smile on his face and slid a ring on my finger. It was beautiful.

Everyone started clapping and I couldn't control myself from smiling out of sheer happiness.

My mom came forward and handed me a ring. "Oh great! They arranged one for Zaid" , I thought. I took the ring and quickly placed it on Zaid's finger.

Zaid and I were holding each others hand and looking into each others eyes. We both had tears in our eyes.

"We did it Zaid. We won, our love won" , I said.

"Our feelings for each other was true so nobody could keep us apart. We were meant to be", he replied.

Our families came around. They hugged and congratulated us both. I could see tears in my daddy's eyes. Okay, that was not expected, I thought to myself while struggling to stop myself from crying. I went and hugged him. "Thanks for approving of it daddy, you don't know how happy I am", I said.

"That's the only thing I want, for you to always be happy. No one can ever love you more than Zaid", daddy replied.

Zaid came and stood next to my dad. "Can you please stop making my fiancé cry ?" He said.

"She is my daughter first, you make her cry and I will kill you with my bare hands", daddy replied.

"Don't worry Sir, I will never let you do any such crime" , Zaid replied with a smirk.

Everyone was so happy, it was like the picture perfect moment for me. I heard an announcement at the back.

"Song dedication- from Zaid to Sara. May this recently engaged couple stay blessed forever."

Then the song " Breathless" by Shayne Ward started playing. Zaid came and slid his arm around my waist, he leant forward and whispered in my ears-

"I mean every single word of this song"

I blushed and replied- "Thanks for turning my dreams into reality. Till now all my prayers have been answered expect for the one in which I wanted us to move on".

"Never Sara, I could never stop loving you" , Zaid said.

"Neither could I", I replied back. "We are the two most perfect people to fall in love. I am glad we made it", Zaid said.

"I am so looking forward to spend the rest of my life with you", I said while moving ahead to hug him. "So am I, soon to be 'Mrs Zaid' - he replied with a sexy smirk and hugged me back.

"We both felt complete".



Awww it's finally the end. Zaid and Sara are together :D my baby is complete. I feel so emotional ^_^




Enjoy !

Take care and

lots of love xx

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