The Past

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You sat at the playground digging into the sandbox as a couple of young boys came over to join you, "Y/n, how long have you been waiting for us?"

Looking up you smiled, "Not too long! It isn't like the orphanage notices when I leave anyway."

One plopped down beside you and huffed, "I don't see why you even go back to that place."

The other shook his head before sitting on the other side of you, "Don't say things like that, she goes back because she has to and maybe one day she'll get adopted and find a family to love her."

Giggling you dug your toes into the sand, "It's okay even if I don't get adopted because I have both of you! You two already promised to take care of me when we grow up anyway so I can just wait until then!"

"You're an idiot."

"Do you have to speak to her like that she is a girl, remember?"

"It's fine, it doesn't bother me when he calls me an idiot it is just his weird way to show that he cares about me!!"

"Who said I cared about you?!" His cheeks tinted a light pink resulting in you bursting out in laughter.

Heavy footsteps approached the three of you causing you to look in the direction they were coming from, the older woman let out a sigh of relief when she saw you, "Y/n! There you are we were so worried when we couldn't find you. You really must stop sneaking out like you do, one of us would be more than happy to bring you to the park to play whenever you want, but we must get back to the orphanage now. You have someone coming to meet you in a couple of hours and you need to look presentable!"

Standing up you brushed off your legs before putting back on your sandals, beaming you looked at the two boys you were staring at you, "I guess it is time for me to go, but I'll come back tomorrow so we can play then, okay? Don't be late this time!" Laughing you waved as you ran off to the woman who was waiting on you.

The door swung open, and you felt something heavy on your chest suddenly, it didn't take long to figure out what it was though when you found your face soaked in slobber. Quickly you sat up pushing the giant white dog away, "Okay, okay, I'm up Bepo! Enough!!" You couldn't help but laugh though as the dog attempted to cover your face in more kisses.

"You are going to be late y/n-ya. Cora-san won't be happy with you if you don't get to the shop on time."

Slowly you turned to stare at Law who was leaning against the door frame before frantically reaching for you phone, "Why did you let me sleep so long!! Idiot why can't you ever..."

"Your alarm was going off for over an hour before I finally shut it off and you didn't once budge it isn't my fault you slept through it." He shrugged before calling Bepo over to him from the bed.

The dog happily hopped down and trudge over to his owner, "And you didn't think to wake me up?! Why are you so, so, so aggravating!!"

You could only groan when you saw the smartass smirk that was on his face, you threw the water bottle that was on the stand next to your bed at him forcing him to leave the area. Quickly you rushed to get ready even though you already knew that you'd end up being late you hated leaving Cora-san to open and run the coffee shop by himself. Law stood in the kitchen as you came racing into it, he rolled his eyes as he handed you a breakfast sandwich. You sat your phone down on the counter as you pulled on your shoes and grabbed your wallet, you finished the sandwich in only a few bites. As you turned to rush out the door Law cleared his throat causing you to turn back to face him, he didn't say anything just held out your water bottle.

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