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Either Law or Rosinante were by your side for the next couple of weeks and while you appreciated their concern it was getting to be a bit suffocating. You felt like you barely had any time to yourself, today being the exception, apparently Rosinante had a prior engagement he had to go to and Law had surgeries scheduled for most of the day leaving you to run the coffee shop alone. The day had been slow and while normally that would have bothered you it was nice considering what you had been going through. Standing behind the counter you looked over the order forms noticing that the quantities were definitely off and it was obvious that they hadn't been updated since the busy season had started. You made your way to the back to look through inventory so that you could update things that would need to be resupplied by the time the next shipment would be ordered.

The bell to the front door rang alerting you to someone having entered the shop, "I'll be up there in a second!"

You set down your things before walking back out to the front counter as you laid eyes on who was standing there you immediately felt your heart begin to pound in your chest. Killer looked at you before looking down at the papers in his hands, "You wouldn't happen to have time to help with some numbers, would you?"

A soft chuckle escaped as you shook your head while smiling, "Is this another case of everything is right you just want me to double check?"

Shaking his head he sighed, "No, I wish that was the case though. I was gone from the garage for around a week and someone else took care of the paperwork. Everything is all messed up and it would help if I had a second set of eyes, I trust to look over everything."

"Ouch, sounds rough." Looking around the empty shop you said, "I mean I'm not sure if I have the time to help it is pretty packed today." You watched as his shoulder shook while he silently laughed, unable to contain your curiosity you asked, "Why do you laugh like that? Every time it's silent and the only indication of you laughing is your shoulders shaking."

He stared at you surprised by the question, "I ... don't like my laugh."

You made his usual tea while you continued to talk to him, "That's a bit strange, isn't it?" looking over your shoulder you smiled, "I don't think I've ever met someone who didn't like their laugh so much that they refused to laugh out loud."

He leaned against the counter, "Let's just say it's connected to something I'd like to forget."

"I'm sorry that was insensitive of me to ask." You held onto his cup and grabbed yourself a water before nodding your head in the direction of the usual booth the two of you used. He went to take his cup from you, but you smiled and moved it away, "It's fine, I can carry it consider it an insanely small thank you for helping with my panic attack." You sat his cup down before turning to look at him, "Which reminds me I never did actually get the chance to thank you for that so allow me to say it now. Thank you, I am incredibly thankful for your help that day."

Killer didn't say anything at first just simply stood there surprised once again by you thanking him, he definitely wasn't used to being treated like this. The more time he spent with you the more you reminded him of her. Everything about you was similar to what he could remember about her even down to how bright your smile was and the way it would reach up to your eyes when you were truly happy. He placed the papers on the table before scooting into the booth. It never failed to surprise him every time you would climb into the booth beside him instead of sitting across the table.

Quietly you listened while he talked about the numbers as well as what seemed to be missing, you knew it was rude but while he was so absorbed in explaining everything you couldn't help but to stare at him. You couldn't figure out how he could see so well with his bangs always covering his eyes, eventually unable to stop your own curiosity you leaned forward and closer to him. Lifting up your hand you lightly brushed the bangs from his eyes and gasped, "Your eyes are gorgeous!"

Forgotten Promises? (Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now