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You sat in a booth waiting for Law to come pick you up, knowing better than to try to leave and walk home alone. While you stared out the window memories began to resurface:

"Hey, y/n?"

"What do you want now Kid?"

He fiddled with the small robot that he was holding onto looking almost shy which had surprised you, "I could ask my father to..."

"I've already told both Killer and you that I'm fine at the orphanage! I like the other kids there and all the adults are pretty nice as well. They think I've got a bright future ahead of me, but I don't care about that as long as I get to stay with both of you!"

Killer ruffled your hair, "Don't let us hold you back. You're the smartest person I've ever met."

"And how many people have you met?" you stuck out your tongue as you teased him. It didn't matter how many times you said it no one seemed to believe that you were actually happy.

"Y/n, this man is Rosinante, and he is going to be adopting you, so he will be your family now. He has another little boy who is a little older than you are that he apparently took in a few years ago. So now you'll have both a big brother and a father isn't that exciting!"

You looked up at the lady as tears filled your eyes, she could only assume they were tears of happiness, and you never got the chance to tell her that they were instead ones of sadness. Rosinante took your hand as you gripped tightly onto the few belongings you had at the orphanage with you, he smiled at you, but you looked away from him. It wasn't until he tripped that you spoke to him, you watched as he tumbled down the large hill, a look of horror on your features as you dropped you items and chased after him.

"Rosinante, sir, are you okay? Don't be hurt, please? I don't want you to be hurt you seem like a really nice man!!"

Law who had been watching the entire thing sighed before shoving his hands into his pockets and began down the hill after the two of you. Once he had finally caught up, he shook his head, "Cora-san, you are too clumsy. You've got the new girl all worried now."

He popped up and rubbed the back of his neck smiling, "I'm sorry little y/n! I didn't mean to scare you, it really wasn't on purpose I promise, and I'm not hurt, see?"

Law looked at you and frowned, "He is just really stupid and clumsy so don't make a face like that."

Rosinante sighed as Law began back up the hill, he looked at you and smiled, "He isn't a bad kid I promise. He may seem cold and distant but I'm sure he will warm up to you in no time! How could he not now that he has such a cute and adorable little sister!!"


You snapped out of your dazed state and stared at Law who was directly in front of you waving his hand in front of your face, "S-Sorry. Have you been here waiting for long?"

He sighed before sitting across from you in the booth, "What's on your mind? You've always been spacey but..."

"I had a dream about when I was still at the orphanage last night."

He looked at you somewhat surprised, "Did you want to talk about it?"

"Honestly it wasn't anything big just one of the many times that I used to sneak out of there and go to the park nearby to meet with a couple of friends I had made. It was a few days before I met you and Rosinante."

Law couldn't help but chuckle, "You really gave Cora-san a lot of trouble when you first came home with us."

"And you are still just as much of an ass as you were back then!" You stuck out your tongue before smiling and falling into a fit of laughter.

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