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You raised your eyebrow at Killer who was still staring, "Did I say something strange?"

Killer didn't respond right away he simply thought back to something that only his y/n could possibly know just to be sure before he said anything. He combed through his memories until he finally landed on something he thought would work, shaking his head he finally said, "No nothing odd, just got lost in thought." Killer stood up and leaned against one of the poles to the swing set, "If someone ever bothers you, come find me. I promise that I will always protect you no matter what even if we don't see each other again I'll never forget this promise to you."

You sat on the ground tears falling as you listen to the fighting not far away from where you were at. Just minutes prior a group of middle schoolers had shown up at the park while you were still waiting on Killer and Kid and began to pick on you. Normally you would have stood up to them, but you had just been brought back to the orphanage the day before, they had called you a reject after realizing you were from the orphanage down the road. As a panic attack set in things got worse and their taunting and cruel words dragged your further and further into a dark place.

Kid shoved his way past the kids to see you sitting there is a state of despair, "Killer get over here quick! Y/n's in there and she's having one of those attack things! You are better and calming her down and bringing her out of it than I am, you deal with her and I'll deal with these assholes!"

Killer managed to sneak his way to your side while Kid had already started to attack the group of boys, "Hey, y/n it's okay. We are here now. I don't know what they said to you but none of it is true." He wiped away some of the tears that were dropping bringing you a sense of comfort already. Killer always had that effect on you and just his presence was usually enough to help begin to calm the panic attack, and even though you knew that you never could find the courage to tell him how much he helped you or meant to you.

"Killer is she better yet?"

Killer looked at you and noticed you were back for the most part, that the panic had already started to disappear faster than normal. He stood in front of you his back to you, "If someone ever bothers you, come find me. I promise that I will always protect you no matter what even if we don't see each other again I'll never forget this promise to you." After saying that he ran to help Kid finish what he had started.

Your eyes went wide before you were scrambling to your feet, "It's you! It's really you! I've been looking for you for so long! I can't believe I didn't notice how much you look like you did when we were still little."

Law walked around the corner of the building to where the playground was positive, he had given you enough time to cool off. His eyes landed on your form clung onto Killer's while crying, his heart dropped when he realized he might have been a little too harsh on you earlier. Killer had his arms wrapped around you while you clung to him crying happily because you had finally found him again after all these years, Killer had glanced up to see Law standing there, he couldn't help it as he held you a little closer to him. Even though he knew that the relationship between the two of you was only one of siblings he couldn't help but feel a bit possessive now that he knew he had finally found you again.

Pulling away slightly you smiled up at Killer, lightly laughing as he wiped away your tears, "You always did have a habit of drying my tears when we were kids didn't you?" Law had attempted to leave unnoticed but it was just his luck that he stepped on a branch breaking it, your head flipped around to see him. You dropped your hold on Killer and slipped out from his arms as you raced over to Law and hugged him, "Law! I found them! I finally found them!"

He looked at you confused until he finally realized what you were saying, "Y/n-ya, you've got to be kidding. There can't be any way that they are the friends..."

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