Familiar Situation

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Three weeks had passed since the incident, and you noticed that the blond would show up at the coffee shop more and more often usually alone without his friend. You always greeted him with the same bright smile, but even after all these times that he had came in you still had no clue what his name was, and it was starting to bother you. Normally by this point most of the custumers had shared at the very least their name with you, you watched as he took his drink over to his now usual booth and sat while looking through what appeared to be paperwork. Rosinante noticed you staring at the man and softly smiled, he lightly nudged you and tipped his head in the man's direction. As you realized what he was getting at your eyes got large and you violently shook your head he softly chuckled before handing you a drink and nudging you in the direction of the booth.

"You might as well just go talk to him; you've been staring at him for a while now. No need to be shy."

"N-no you've got it all wrong..."

He didn't let you say another word as he pushed you in the direction of the booth once again, sighing knowing that you wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise you slowly shuffled your way over to the booth.

He looked up at you as he felt your presence, "Do you need something? If you need the booth I can..."

You gripped tighter onto the drink in your hand and looked to the side, a light pink dusting across your cheeks, "Would you mind if I sat with you?" He stared at you for a minute positive he had heard you wrong, feeling awkward you mumbled, "It's fine if you say no. It's just my father got the wrong idea and..."

He smiled softly, "I don't mind, it just surprised me is all."

You sat down and the two of you sat in silence for a while the only sound being him flipping pages back and forth, your curiosity getting the better of you, you asked, "Do you mind me asking what you are looking at?"

"Huh? Oh, just some paperwork from our garage. I usually handle the financial side of things, but my numbers aren't adding up and I'm just trying to figure out where the unaccounted numbers are at."

Your eyes lit up, "Mind if I take a look?"

He looked at you surprised by the offer before slowly shaking his head, "That's fine."

He went to hand over the papers, but you quickly stood up and scooted in next to him, as you looked at the papers beside him, Killer was finding it difficult to look away from you. Seeing you so close you really did resemble her, and he had so much he wanted to say, but knowing that there was no chance that you were the same person he instead simply sat there admiring you as you worked.

Smiling you turned to look at him as you pointed to a couple of figures, "I bet these will account for you missing numbers!"

Killer turned to look at the numbers and his eyes went wide not remembering seeing this page before, "How? You found this so quick?"

"Not to brag or anything but numbers are kind of my thing! Though I really can't take credit here since it was really just stuck to the back of the other page. I'm not sure I would have caught it but the paper thickness is just slightly different so I figured I would see why that was and that was when I noticed that there was a second page there."

Killer couldn't resist as he dropped the papers and hugged you, you sat there in complete shock while he talked, "You're brilliant! I would have been sitting here for hours maybe even days before I would have noticed something like that! I can't believe I didn't realize it!" It wasn't until he was done talking that he realized what he had done.

He looked away his bangs covering his eyes as usual a slight pink peeking out from under them, you had also looked away your heart pounding in you chest as well as you face turning red. Rosinante watched from a distance a proud smile on his lips as he watched your interaction in the booth. Law had walked into the coffee shop with Shachi and Penguin following behind him, he followed Rosinante's eyes over to where you were and sighed, Shachi went to ask what was up but Penguin had apparently already noticed. He rushed over to the booth you were in and sat down, when you looked up and saw his face you were shocked and surprised by how upset he looked.

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