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Killer walked into the garage; papers hung at his side in a daze. Kid looked at him before rolling his eyes, "You went to see her again, didn't you? Why don't you just stay away from that stupid bitch!"

Killer didn't respond just walked into the office and set the papers down on the desk before he plopped down into the chair. His mind was swirling with all the possibilities, the fact that you and she were most likely around the same age, that he was positive that you looked exactly like she would.

Heat looked over at Killer, "Yo? Everything good Killer?"

Kid walked in and leaned against the door frame responding to Heat, "Just ignore him."

Killer simply muttered, "They have the same name..."

Kid looked at Killer, "What are you mumbling about now. You and the dumb bitch dating now? Trafalgar finally drop her, and she clung onto you now, huh?"

Killer's eyes narrowed as he glared at Kid, "She has the same name."

"Oh, will you just give it up already! She isn't y/n and you are trying to replace her with this other chick because they look similar according to you. Y/n abandoned us, Killer! Why can't you get that through that thick skull of yours! She abandoned us like everyone else! Why can't you just let go of the stupid loser and move on?!"

Killer was on his feet and in Kid's face in no time, "She got adopted Kid! She didn't abandon us! Who says she isn't looking for us too?! Why aren't you worried about where she is? What if she was killed because we didn't protect her like we said we would?!"

"She's the one who left us Killer!! Not the other way around! We didn't go anywhere, she could have come to find us at any point, but she didn't so explain why you are so sure she didn't abandon us!!"

The tensions were rising in the room as neither were willing to back down, Heat and Wire attempted to get between the two of them to hopefully separate them and keep the two of them from starting a fight in the garage, Killer flung Wire's arms off of his own. He pointed at Kid poison lacing his words, "Just because you can give up on her doesn't mean I can or that I will. She is still looking for us I know it and I didn't forget our promise to her even if you did." Kid was about to go after him. but both Heat and Wire did their best hold him back. Killer stormed out of the garage needing some air before things ended up getting physical and they ended up wrecking another garage.

You said your goodbyes to Yamato and Ace, Sabo had decided to walk you to your apartment both of you laughing about Ace getting destroyed by Yamato in all the games the two of them played together. Sabo grabbed ahold of your hand before you rounded the corner of the last set of stairs, "Y/n?"

Stopping you turned and looked at him a look of confusion written all over your face, "What's up Sabo? Something on your mind?"

"That guy you were with at the coffee shop, how ... how well do you know him?"

Placing a finger on your cheeks you thought about it, "I mean I've been talking and hanging out with him at the shop for a few months now. Why?"

Law who had been waiting around the corner for you to get back, rounded the corner as he spoke, "Because they aren't good people, y/n-ya."

Raising your eyebrow, you looked from Law to Sabo and then back again, "The redhead is maybe a little questionable and he is kind of a brute but..."

"You don't know them like we do y/n." Sabo interrupted surprising you. You stared at him, "We are just looking out for you, we are worried that you'll fall into a group of bad people. They don't have the best reputation around town as is and..."

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