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Killer sat beside Kid in their truck as they went over the plans for that night's job, "How long do you think this will take?"

Kid looked at Killer, "If everything goes right, we should be in and out in no more than an hour at most as long as everyone plays their part without issues though if everything goes perfect without any hiccups it should be twenty minutes."

Killer felt bad that he didn't contact you to let you know that he wouldn't be able to meet up today, but he couldn't afford the distraction he had to stay in the zone he was second in command after all. Sighing he finally looked out the window before saying, "I found her."

"Found who?"

"Y/n. OUR y/n. She's been right within reach this entire time."

Kid stared in shock before clearing his throat and pretending that he didn't care, "You really kept looking for her, what a waste after she abandoned..."

"She didn't abandon us, and you know it. She's probably going to let you have it when she sees you again. She's gotten stronger though I can't believe she was able to take you down that day."

"That's y/n?! That annoying woman dating Trafalgar?!"

Killer shook his head, "They are adoptive siblings anyone with half a brain could see they weren't in a relationship."

Kid couldn't help but softly smile, "She looks amazing, she hasn't changed much..."

Killer nodded, "She is just as perfect as she was back then if not more so."

Kid looked at the time before making a call, "It's 8:30 tell the gang there is only 30 minutes before we raid Kaido's base. Don't do anything stupid and if we haven't accomplished what we are going for in an hour then we leave regardless, this is a big job and as much as I want to crush that asshole if we can't do it in that time then we will need to regroup and try again."

Penguin and you walked slowly in silence for a couple of blocks, when he saw you with your arms wrapped around yourself, he broke the silence, "If you are cold, you can have my jacket."

You shook your head, "I'm fine..."

He placed the jacket on your shoulders, "If you end up sick somehow, we both know Law will end up killing me."

A small smile pulled at your lips, "Thank you, are you sure you aren't cold?"

"Nope, I'm good..." Seeing you in his jacket had his cheeks tinted pink, "You know I know this isn't a good time but..." He watched you as you stood there looking up into the sky tears rolling down your cheeks, "Woah! What's wrong? Was it something I did or said? I'm sorry..."

You looked down at the ground as you began to wipe at your eyes, "No it wasn't you. I'm just disappointed. Maybe Law is right, and I should stay away from them even if they are old friends."

Penguin grabbed ahold of your wrist and pulled you over to a fountain the two of you sat down on the ledge, "Look I'm not sure what is going on, but it isn't Law's right to tell you who you can and can't hang out with even if he is your brother and trying to look out for you. If it was me and we just dating, I would never try to control who you were friends with. I know the situations would be different, but I think trusting you to make your own decisions is the best choice."

"You're sweet Penguin, really. Sometimes I wish I could return your feelings but I'm sorry I can't. There is someone that I've loved ever since we were kids."

"It's fine you don't need to apologize; just know I am here for you as just a friend if you ever need someone to talk to."

Looking over you smiled appreciatively at him, "That means a lot, truly. Thanks, Penguin."

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