Blink of an Eye

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Kid and Killer were doing their best to fight to you, Penguin had finally managed to get there as well after the car he had gotten in only took him a small distance. All the commotion allowed him to try to find where you were upon seeing you in the state you were in, he immediately grabbed his phone, it only rang once before the other end picked up. Penguins voice was quiet trying not to draw attention to himself, "Law, I found her..."

"Where are you?" Three gunshots rang out in quick concession causing Law's blood to run cold as a sense of dread washed over him, "What was that? Penguin, what just happened?!?!"


Penguins voice just stopped and Law quickly pieced together what was going on, "Where are you?! Penguin!! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Your body crashed to the ground, the chair breaking from who knows what everything had happened so quickly and you were already struggling to focus as is. You felt a sudden warmth spread across your stomach and chest; you almost would have welcomed it had it not been for the wetness that came with that warmth. You attempted to move your hands to try to pull your wet shirt away from the skin of your body only to find there were still tied. Yamato scrambled over to your before tearing her shirt and trying to apply pressure to your wounds. Upon her placing pressure you hissed in pain, "I need you to just deal with it y/n, I've got to try..." tears rolled down her face as she forced herself to continue talking, "I've got to try to stop your bleeding, you''re losing so much..."

Penguin rushed over where you were as he pulled of his shirt and wrapped it up and began to place pressure on your other wound, "Can you undo her hands...D-Don't let her be in this state while her arms are still tied up."

"I-I can't stop the..."

"It's okay, just long enough to free her hands."

Killer stood in disbelief as he saw you in the state you were in, the big names from Kaido's group after shooting you left leaving the footmen to deal with Kid and Killer. It took them a bit to clean them all up, but they managed, it wasn't until then that they actually saw what state you and your body was in. Kid looked away as he tried to fight back the anger as well as the tears that he found welling up in his own eyes. Killer's body moved on its own as he scrambled to your side.

You looked at Yamato before placing your now free hand on top of hers while she once again placed pressure on one of your wounds. You watched as her tears fell, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...This is ..."

Your voice was soft not out of choice you just didn't have the energy to try to speak any louder, "It's okay, Yamato ... it's not ... your fault. Don't blame yourself." Slowly you turned your head to look at Penguin who had tears in his eyes, "Hey ... don't cry. When..."

He shook his head, "Don't talk save your strength."

Killer knelt down beside you gently stroking your hair, you glanced up at him and attempted to smile, "You ... came."

"Of course, I came, it's my fault you are like this...if only..."

Your body was starting to feel heavy and numb; your body didn't want to move and all you wanted to do was close your eyes and sleep, Law rushed into the room and upon seeing your form on the ground he had a flash back to the day he lost Lammy. He ignored everyone else in the room and rushed to your side, Penguin moved further back as he continued to apply pressure knowing full well that you had lost way too much blood by this point. Law grabbed ahold of your hand only to feel it so weak in his own, he had seen so many accidents since he became a surgeon but this time, he was struggling to keep himself composed.

"Hey, y/n-ya... just ... just hold on okay Cora-san and an ambulance is on the way."

You managed to move your eyes away from Killer to look at Law, "I'm sorry."

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