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Killer would show up to the coffee shop at least once a week for you to look over the paperwork and even though you never had any corrections to make, he insisted you look them over. It had been a couple of months since he first started coming to the coffee shop and while today was no exception to him showing up only he wasn't alone. It shocked you to see him enter the shop with not only the angry brute of a redhead but also two girls, you tried your best to hide the disappointment on your face since you had grown to enjoy the one-on-one time you had with the man you still hadn't gotten the name of, though he didn't have yours either.

Rosinante watched your face carefully as he saw the group walk in, placing a hand on your shoulder he smiled gently at you, "I can take care of them today, you go on to the back I think we have a few boxes left over from the last shipment that need to be put away still."

"It's fine, I can get..."

"If you leave me to put it away all the products will end up destroyed."

You couldn't stop yourself from laughing after remembering what happened the last time, he tried to put things away, you took one last look in the booth's direction. You could only assume that you had locked eyes with your gorgeous and mysterious unnamed friend as he was also looking in your direction quickly looking down to the ground you rushed to the back leaving the front to Rosinante.

Law walked, as he looked around the shop, he was surprised you were no where to be seen until he saw Corazon waiting on the table. Law didn't say anything just made his way to the back where he found you standing in front of an open box not moving, slowly he made his way over to you he went to place his hand on your shoulder until he heard your sniffles. Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you back against him resting his head on top of yours he didn't say anything while he was holding onto you.

Finally wiping away the tears that had escaped your eyes you tapped his arm letting him know he could let you go now, turning you could see the frown and worry written all over his face. "Is it bad that I don't have any reason to be upset or disappointed?"

"However, you are feeling is valid y/n whether or not you feel like you have a reason to feel that way is beside the point." A small smile pulled your lips upwards after he reassured you that is was fine to feel as you did. Seeing you smile resulted in Law no longer being tensed up as he ruffled your hair, "Let's go home, I'll tell Cora-san that you are leaving early all you need to do is walk out and go to my car."

"I...I can't go out like this; my face is red and blotchy it would be obvious that I was crying..."

He pulled off his hoodie and handed it to you, "Put this on, you can put up the hood to cover your face."

You stayed in the back gathering your nerves trying to convince yourself that all you had to do was walk out and just to keep your eyes on the floor. Law had already explained things but had noticed you hadn't left yet he peeked his head around the corner only to see you giving yourself a pep talk.

"You can do this all you have to do is keep your eyes on the floor. No need to look around and as soon as you are outside just make a beeline for Law's car. No one will even notice me leaving..."

Law chuckled before wrapping his arm around your shoulder comfortingly, "Here now you won't have to worry about anyone seeing you at all. They will think you are someone else..."

"Thanks. I'm lucky to have such an awesome older brother..."

The two of you headed out of the back but you didn't go unnoticed like you had hoped. Kid scoffed, "Get a load of this! They really think that we don't know she is in his sweatshirt! It's sickening how she clings to Trafalgar, if I was him, I would have dumped her on the side of the road already it's obvious that no guy wants a clingy girlfriend..."

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