chapter 8. Party crashers pt1

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For the past hour or so Grinch paced around the lair muttering out loud to himself. " the nerve of those Whos, Inviting us there on such short notice " He grumbled while pacing.Christine who had been watching, sat on the sofa with max laying in her lap. " I think that it'll be fun" she added petting the dog.

" Even if I wanted to go our schedule wouldn't allow it" he sat on the sofa next to Christine with a book, She rolled her eyes as he scooted closer. " 4:00 wallow in self pity. 4:30 stair into the abyss. 5:00 solve world hunger.. tell no one. 5:30 jazzercise.  6:30 Dinner. 7:00 poker rematch " he growled lowly, looking at his partner who just scowled. Max jumped off her lap. " Hey I won fair and square! It's not my fault you're a sore loser " she countered, crossing her arms over her chest. " we're booked"  he deadpanned. Closing the schedule book and throwing it behind him.

" Come on, I'm bored here. let's go have some fun!" Christine whined hanging upside down on the sofa, kicking her legs.


standing up and storming off he huffed over into kitchen,  grabbed the tablecloth, and draped it around his waist. Going back he began posing in front of a cracked mirror. "Nice dress," Christine giggled. Max barked. "IT’S NOT A DRESS, IT’S' A KILT!" He snapped, tearing the tablecloth off. "SICKOS!".Christine continued to laugh.

"Hey, instead of laughing you should be getting ready too! This was your idea and I'm not going down there alone! now look for something nice to wear! " he hollered at her.

" And wear what? I have nothing festive to wear!" She pointed out, her hands on her hips.

“This is ridiculous, if we can’t find something nice to wear we’re not going!" Grinch stated storming off to some random part of the cave. Then, they heard Yodeling. Grinch raced up and grabbed a hook. Grinning with his evil Grinch grin.  As he ran off with the hook Christine kept straining her mind in finding something to wear . Then finally it hit her.  " I know just the thing!"  The feline grinned in excitement then ran up to their room and started raiding through her closet.

After a few seconds of digging she found what she was looking for; a sequin green Cocktail Night Dress. She found the party dress in the dump years ago and saved it. Slipping it on, she looked in the mirror. "Hmmm not bad"  Posing and checking out each angle, she then went over to her nightstand and grabbed her black lace choker. Dangling from the choker a green medium sized diamond shaped pendant. While by her nightstand, she grabbed a thin black eyeliner and mascara. Quickly walking back to the mirror she gently drew a thin line with the black charcoal pencil along her tear line. Next she used her mascara. Using the thick brush, the cat plumped her eyelashes. Once she was done with her makeup, she grabbed a bottle of perfume. Taking the bottle she began spraying herself with it, making sure she and the dress didn't smell like garbage.

After Grinch was done getting ready he waiting impatiently for his friend. He leaned his back against the cave wall, looking at his wrist angrily at an imaginative watch. " you done dolling yourself yet!" He shouted, tapping his foot.

"COMING!" She answered from the upper level. Before going she ran her fingers over her dress, smoothing down any wrinkles or fuzz that may be present.  Looking down on the main floor she could see Grinch physically growing more and more impatient .  With a nervous gulp the cat called out , “I’M READY!”

" IT'S ABOUT TIIiimme” he looked up and froze, his mouth wide open. As she made her way down the stairs the world seem to move slower. He had never seen her look like this. She was stunning. The way the dress hugged her frame accented her curves almost perfectly and drooped just halfway above the knees. The dress revealed some exposed cleavage, trailing down to a V neckline. But not too much to be trashy. When she reached the last step, he closed his mouth and shook his head." Look at you sexy " he teased. She blushed. " do you like it?". She nervously cupped her hands in front of her.

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