The Pit

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As Sarah stands in the courtyard looking over the pit, she understood what the prisoner yesterday felt there truly was no way for her to escape, if she ran the guards would just kill her and if she went into the pit, it was almost certain that whatever was in there would kill her. As she looked around all she could see were the horrific and disgusting grins of prisoners all waiting for her death just so they could make some money. 'How are Blake and Chelsea doing?' she wondered, 'They probably escaped already not wanting to risk this chance at escape. Well at least I did everything I can to keep Chelsea safe. That should be enough to keep my promise, the rest is up to you Blake.' The guards began started pushing Sarah towards the pit and as she moves closer all she can hear from the other prisoners is, "Get on with it.", "Don't die on me too quick I have you down as 20 seconds.", "That really the idiot that took the blame for this?" Sarah stopped standing directly over the pit and before she dropped, she heard a familiar voice ring in her ear, "120 seconds", that's all the voice said, and with that Sarah dropped right into the pit.

The pit was very dark, and she could hardly see. As she felt around all she could feel was gross squishy material that gave off a putrid odor, the smell was so bad that Sarah could hardly stand straight "What is that?", she asked to herself. As she asked that question the darkness surrounding her responded, "That would be your fellow prisoners silly.", Sarah immediately froze up with fear as she felt breathing down her neck. Taking all of her will she forced herself to move forward, turning around she saw nothing but darkness as three tendrils came into the light and attacked her at incredible speed. Sarah was able to dodge one but the other two were able to strike her sides. "Huh most people are die after that good job.", the voice in the darkness spoke. Just then a PA system up above said, "10 seconds", Sarah remembered what that man said, '90 seconds', with no hope left Sarah decided she'd all her faith in making it to 90 seconds.

Sarah started backing away and as she did, she bumped into a metal pipe, in that second of hesitation five more tendrils this time with spike covering them came out at her. Without time to think Sarah tore the pipe out and blocked the attacks. 'Oh', the voice said surprised. "20 seconds", the PA system said. "Looks like you can play a little how about we keep going.", the voice continued. Just then a giant red hand came out of the darkness and pressed into the ground cracking it under the hands pressure. The hand then raised up and hovered right over Sarah as it slammed down on her Sarah rolled out of the way just barely. Sarah paused for a second hoping she could breathe as another hand loomed over her, like the last one Sarah dodge out the way. Even more narrowly escaping getting crushed Sarah looked at the hands and couldn't believe the size of them, as another hand started to hover over her, 'Just what the heck is this thing?', Sarah thought. Sarah tried to dodge one more time unfortunately she slipped on a pile of remains, she looked in horror at the hand coming down on her as the PA system said, "40 seconds".

The hand landed with a loud bang directly on Sarah. The voice then spoke, "Huh 40 seconds must be a new record." The hands started retracting in order of when they came out however when it readied to remove the hand that crushed Sarah the PA system spoke, "50 seconds". "What?" the voice questioned. Suddenly it heard grunts from underneath the last hand as it started to be slowly lifted up. The monster was shocked by what was happening this human was able to lift his hands up. With one last push Sarah lifted the giant hand off her. She then started breathing heavily as she tried to understand what happened herself, then she heard the voice speak taking her back to reality, "Interesting". Sarah readied herself for another attack, but it didn't come instead it walked slowly towards Sarah as her eyes adjusted to the darkness all she saw was a man with pale skin, black and red hair, wearing only torn pants standing there with a monstrous grin. The man then stared directly at her showing one eye torn out and the other one torn out. 'How could the face of such a monster be human?' Sarah thought to herself. "What's the matter thought I was someone kind of ugly monster?", the man said. Sarah didn't understand what was going on why didn't this guy kill him, "Wh-what are you?" The man in response simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well I'm certainly not human.", he said in a joking tone, "Though I'm pretty sure you're not completely one. But enough about that tell me what you're doing here."

The PA system came back on "70 seconds", at this point the prisoners watching are getting annoyed and started yelling at this monster to kill Sarah. Sarah only had 50 seconds left so she gave a quick explanation of what happened. "100 seconds" The monster thought for a moment and laughed, "Haha You can't be serious escaping this hell hole hehehe. Even if you could escape what do you hope to find out there? The world is filled with the undead at this point it may actually be better to stay here." This guy's words were almost identical to what Blake said to her, she thought about it one more time and said conviction in her voice, "If nothing's out there so what if I die out there that's fine if I can live a full life that's fine as well. All I know is that I can't die in a place like no matter what." The monster broke back into a hysterical laugh, "Hehehe alright fine I like I'll let you try to escape, heck I'll even be a distraction for you guys." As he says that he forms a giant hand behind his back and shattered the cage over the pit, "What you didn't think this was enough to hold me did you?" He then stretches several tendrils to the outside and started to carry himself out, "Oh yeah my names Blight, just thought I should let you know." Sarah still in amaze could only say her name, "Sarah." Blight didn't even respond as he let out a blood curdling roar and started charging off as the sounds of gun fire and screams are heard in the distance.

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