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Sarah slowly woke as she looked around, she saw she was in a room unfamiliar to her. "Where am I? What happened?", as she said that she suddenly felt a splitting headache as memories flashed in her head. The pit, the escape, the guards, and "Ch-Chelsea!" Sarah in a panic ran towards the door and in one swift motion tore the door off its hinges, Sarah was shocked by this but had to keep moving.

In the hallway she heard footsteps coming from around a corner on instinct Sarah immediately ran the other direction. Sarah heard voices behind shouting to chase after her causing her to run faster and faster. As she turned a corner, she bumped into something causing her to fall to the ground. She looked to see what she bumped into and saw that it was another person immediately Sarah scurried across the ground in the opposite direction. Finally, she reached a set of doors pushing them open. Sarah couldn't believe what she saw on the other side of the door, it was an entire city. There were shops and venders selling wares, men and women going about their days, even children playing in the streets. It was just like Sarah's home, but something was different, as she looked up towards the sky all she saw was dirt. "Was this entire thing underground?", Sarah thought to herself. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder as she blacked out.

Sarah woke up again in the same room as before. When she tried to move, she saw that she was strapped to the bed this time. She was about to panic when she heard a familiar voice speak, "Just woke up and already so noisy.", the voice spoke. Sarah followed the sound of the voice and found Blake sitting in a chair right beside her. "B-Blake oh god I'm so glad you're ok!", Sarah tried to hug him but remembered she was tied down, "Quick help untie me and we can escape!". Blake let out a deep breath before reaching to untie her restraints, "You can relax now we're with some friends." Sarah felt her arms come lose, then her legs, and the rest came soon after, "What do you mean? Where are we?", she asked rubbing her arms. "After we escaped from the prison Raymond and Jasmine took us back to their settlement and agreed to let us stay here for a few days." Sarah couldn't believe it did they really escape that hellhole, "I can't believe it we're safe now, all three of us." Blake raised an eyebrow at this statement, "The three of us?", he asked. "Yeah you, me, and Chelsea. Speaking of which where is she?", upon asking this Blake's face went dark. "I uh I-I'll talk about that later. For now, we have someone here who want's to meet you." Through the broken doorway a man walked in with a cane in hand, slowly he walked towards Sarah's bed, as he got closer Sarah could see that this man was blind.

Blake got out of his chair and left the room leaving Sarah alone to talk with this man. The man cleared his throat then spoke, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Sarah. I am sorry about when you woke up earlier, I hope my men weren't too rough." There was something about his voice that when Sarah heard it, she felt like she could truly let her guard down, "N-no it's alright sir." "Oh, please call me Oliver.", Oliver answered with a sincere smile, "From what I heard from Jasmine and Raymond you were pretty impressive in the prison not only were you able to take on a terrible monster and live, but you were able to kill over 20 zombies on your bare hands." "Th-thanks.", Sarah responded confused. Oliver's face turned into a serious expression, "Your friend Blake told me about what happened to your home. It must have been painful to lose your home and family." Sarah just stared down not even responding. Oliver continued, "The same thing happened to me you know the same organization 'The Force of Death', came and destroyed my home and killed my family. All I could do was run away as my older sister was eaten by zombies.", Sarah could see the sadness on his face clearly. "I want to stop them before they do that to anyone else.", Oliver's became serious once again, "Which is why I'd like to ask you to join me and put a stop to them." "I-I'm sorry what?", Sarah asked looking confused. "This organization is much bigger than any one realizes. They have armies, weapons, and access to technology we thought impossible before. I've been gathering my own army to fight them, but we need more.", Oliver explained. Sarah was shocked by this offer, "C-can I have sometime to think about it?" Oliver smiled and gave her a nod yes, he then stood up and left the room.

Sarah spent the next couple hours processing everything that happened. Needing to clear her head she left the building and walked throughout the city. She couldn't believe how much this city was like her old home. Memories came flooding back to her of when she was still a kid memories that should've filled her with joy only made her sad as she knew how it ended. She then felt a tap on her shoulder turning her head she saw that it was Blake, "Come on we need to talk.", he said. Blake led Sarah to a quiet part of the plaza with very few people walking around, Blake sat down, and Sarah sat next to him. Blake let out a deep sigh, "I think this is the first time I've been able to relax in who knows how long. You know you really mad me nervous when you wouldn't wake up." Sarah chuckled, "Heh didn't know you cared that much about me." Blake started to laugh himself, "What was Chelsea to busy to visit me or something." Blake's face went dark again as he cleared his throat, "Look Sarah there's something I need to tell you.", Blake took in a deep breath then continued, "Chelsea... Chelsea is dead." Those words echoed in Sarah's head before she even realized it, she punched Blake in the face sending him flying several feet, "You're lying!", Sarah shouted at Blake as he landed with a thud. Sarah stood over Blake grabbing him by the hem of his shirt and started punching him over and over continuously saying "You're lying!" The punches finally ceased as tears started to fall from Sarah, "I-It can't be true. Please, please say it isn't true.", Sarah's tears flowed freely. Blake even battered and bruised could tell Sarah was hurting more. He got up and gave Sarah a hug, "I'm sorry Sarah... I'm sorry Chelsea."

Sarah and Blake stayed there for some time neither one wanting to move as the sorrow was too much to bear alone. Eventually, Sarah's tears finally stopped with her eyes red and puffy she left Blake there. Sarah went to find Oliver finding him in the building before sitting at a desk. "Oliver," Sarah said in a dull almost lifeless voice, "I'll join you. I'll help you destroy the Force of Death."

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