The Twins

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In an abandoned city somewhere in the world an area deep underground sits filled with zombies all growling in a horrid symphony. Right outside of the entrance two kids a brother and sister about the age of 13 sat in a car. The boy in the driver's seat sat bored out of his mind as he waited on his sister. The girl riding shotgun was loading several rifles placing them all at her feet. "You, done with those guns yet Melissa.", the brother asked. "Almost done Anthony just one more gun.", Melissa answered loading the last clip into a rifle, "So what's the bet this time?" "Whoever kills the most zombies gets all of this.", Anthony opens up the glove compartment revealing a huge pile of candy. Melissa eyes beamed with amazement at the sight when she reached out to grab it Anthony immediately snapped the glove compartment shut almost, "Hey! That's for the bet no swiping now." Melissa pouted as she fiddled with one of her guns.

Anthony started the engine as a roar echoed throughout the city when he stepped on the gas the exhaust pipes spat out fire sending them rocketing down. They reach the bottom area in almost an instant and as they look around zombies were surrounding them. Normal people would've been terrified, but for these two fear did not exist. Anthony hit the gas and started running over zombie after zombie as blood sprayed everywhere. Melissa pointed her gun out the window and let loose of storm of bullets in whatever direction her gun was facing killing everything that was foolish enough to get in her line of fire. The scene was pure chaos, yet somehow the through all the bullets, the zombies, and the sound of the car engine roaring, it was almost as if a symphony could be heard. A symphony of gratitude from the chaotic twins to the guild that took them in and gave them a home.

Zombies were being killed one after another some dropped to ground others were being turned into a bloody mess. Soon enough all the noise and carnage turned into a silence as the twins looked around every zombie was dead on the ground. "Hahaha I win!", Melissa joyously cheered, "Candy please!" She reached for the glove compartment, but Anthony quickly grabbed her wrist, "Nice try I clearly killed more than you." Anthony reached his free hand towards the glove compartment and copying her brother Melissa grabbed his wrist preventing him from opening it. Anthony looked at his sister with clear annoyance on his face, "Are we really going to have to get out and count the dead bodies?" Neither of them wanted to admit defeat so without saying a word they both got out of the car. "Bodies with gun shot wounds count for me even if they have tire tracks.", Melissa stated. "Yeah yeah I know!", Anthony exclaimed irritated at this point. The two of them counted in silence hoping they were the one who won. Suddenly in the silence a growl was heard coming from a corner. Both of them stopped counting and looked to see the source of the noise and out of the corner a rather large zombie started to move. Melissa and Anthony looked at each other and knew they were both thinking the same thing, 'Whoever kills that zombie wins!' Anthony got back into his car as Melissa grabbed one of her rifles.

Anthony floored it sending the car rocketing straight at the last zombie. The car got faster and faster and as it was about to run it over suddenly the car stopped dead in its tracks. Anthony stepped on the gas as much as he could, but it wouldn't budge. Melissa couldn't believe it that zombie stopped Anthony's car. Melissa ran up next to the zombie and shot it directly in the head, the bullets did not pierce its head, all they did was leave an imprint on its head before bouncing off. The zombie reached towards Anthony breaking through the windshield. Anthony quickly dropped and rolled out of the car before it could grab him. The zombie tried to pull out its arm buts arm was stuck, instead it swung its arm around using the car as a weapon. The twins ducked out of the just by a hair Melissa and Anthony knew whatever this thing was it could kill them in an instant, but they refused to run.

As the zombie stopped its initial swing Anthony saw the bottom of the car he got an idea. The zombie went for another swing and both of them dodged again, this time Anthony ran towards the car with a knife in hand and plunged it straight into the bottom of the car. The giant zombie swung the car at him Anthony avoided most of the car but got hit still sending him flying. "Anthony!", Melissa screamed as she ran over to him, "Are you ok?" "I got hit by a car, what do you think?", Anthony retorted in pain, "But forget that, he's done for." Anthony outstretched his hand and pointed at the car which was now leaking gasoline. Melissa readied her gun and pulled the trigger, the bullet reached the car in an instant hitting the target dead on. Instantly the car exploded engulfing the zombie in flames as it let out a blood curdling scream, it flailed around but no matter what it tried the fire wouldn't go out. It's body fell apart turning to ash until there was nothing left. Anthony and Melissa both took sigh, Melissa then stood there and groaned in frustration. "What's wrong?", Anthony asked. "The candy it's all gone." Anthony sat up causing a groan of pain, "Well not all of it." He reached into his pocket and pulled out three pieces of candy. "Awesome!", Melissa swiped two of the pieces out of his hand, "I'll let you have one since your injured." Anthony stopped her from eating them, "What do you mean 'let men have one'?" Melissa face turned into a smug expression, "Well I mean it was my bullet that killed it." "Um it was my car that killed it, your bullet was just a flint. If anything, I'll let you have one since you helped." Anthony then stole one piece out of her hand. The twins went back in forth swiping one piece from one another, "I did!", "No I did!" During these exchanges one of the pieces of candies slipped out of their hands falling down a nearby grate. They looked at each other, then at the grate, then at the piece of candy in their respective hands "We each get one.", Anthony said. "Sounds fair.", Melissa agreed. They both popped their candy into their mouths, as Melissa helped Anthony up giving him a shoulder to lean on. "Let's head home Oliver is gonna wanna here this." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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