Anger and Sorrow

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As Sarah and her group kept walking through the tunnel, they eventually met up with the rest group consisting of five men and women including Raymond this makes their group nine in total. As the group continued towards the entrance one of the ladies who had rather tan skin and with short black hair slowed her walk until she was with Sarah. She then spoke, "So you're the one that made it out of that pit alive?" Sarah slowly shook her head yes. The lady gave Sarah a look over with a glare, "So you mean to tell me that out of the countless other people that went into that pit and died in a mere instant you were the one who survived?", a smile then formed on her face as she started to chuckle, "Showed all those other wusses didn't you, I'm Jasmine by the way." Sarah gave a little chuckle as well slightly embarrassed, "Uh Sarah, and thanks." Sarah then couldn't help but be offput by how calm this lady was, they may have escaped the prison, but they weren't home free yet. "So spill, how did you do it." Sarah mind was dragged back to that pit all the blood the bodies and how she stopped that things attack. "Uh nothing special I just dodged that things attacks. Then suddenly it took a liking to me and decided to let me live." Jasmine gave a sly grin, "Be honest you tried to seduce that monster, didn't you?" Sarah's face suddenly became slightly blushed, "What no!", she exclaimed. Jasmine started laughing more, "Come on you had to have seen it's face at some point how hot was he on a scale from 'ugh' to 'oh my'." Sarah started to laugh a bit. Suddenly from the front of the group one of the men called for Jasmine and like that she left Sarah.

As the group continued walking for what felt like half an hour, they were finally at the end seeing the exit and the light of day. People in the group started to smile and laugh as one of the guys ran towards the entrance eager to feel freedom suddenly a several bangs rang through the tunnel as the guy's body fell to the ground. The entire group went silent as one by one several soldiers appeared in the tunnels entrance all holding firearms. Without warning the soldiers all aimed their guns at them and started firing the group scattered in different directions staying out of the line of fire. Sarah, Blake and 3 of the other escapees moved to the right side of the tunnel while Chelsea, Ray, Jasmine and one other escapee was on the left. As gunfire continued Raymond looked at the dead body then at the soldiers firing at them. The soldiers gunfire suddenly stopped and in that moment, Ray rushed over to the dead body and using him as a shield, charged towards the guards. "Come on shorty we have to push through now.", Jasmine said to Chelsea as she and the other escapee followed. The soldiers started firing again but by that point Raymond was too close to them chucking the dead body at one of the soldiers then stole his gun in the confusion. 'Bang Bang Bang', the soldier dropped to the ground the other soldiers aimed at Raymond, but Jasmine and the other escapee knocked two of the other soldiers out taking their guns as well. They continued to move forward as Sarah and her group moved up too taking the guns of the dead soldiers.

The group pushed through killing soldier after soldier all except for Sarah and Chelsea who struggled at the thought of killing another person. Suddenly a remaining soldier confronted Chelsea, she struggled to keep the gun steady as she tried to aim. She tried with all her might to pull the trigger but just couldn't. Before the soldier could pull the trigger Jasmine shot the soldier dead. "I think that's the last of them.", Jasmine said to the rest of the group, "As for you. Why didn't you kill him? By all rights you should be dead right now." Chelsea didn't answer all she could here was the ringing in her ears as the smell of death around her started to cause her head to go fuzzy, suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, and it brought her back to reality. "Hey are you alright?", Sarah asked. Chelsea shook her head 'yes' but Sarah could see right through her, "Hey it's alright to feel uneasy or stressed about all this just so long as we get out of here alive that's all we can wish for." With those words Chelsea felt a little better and was able to put on a smile now. "Come on the rest of the group is going on ahead don't want them to leave us behind." Chelsea slowly got back to her feet and started to walk towards the exit, as the soldier that Jasmine shot loamed behind her. Suddenly 'snarl' and chomping noise was heard, everyone stopped in their tracks and turned around to see the dead soldier biting into Chelsea's shoulder. Sarah's eyes went wide with horror as she let out a piercing screaming.

Sarah Immediately grabbed a nearby rock and with all her might threw it at the soldier. The rock went straight threw his head causing it the explode as blood went everywhere. "Chelsea hey, are you alright?!", Sarah asked Chelsea who couldn't respond. Raymond took one of the bullets out of his gun and sniffed it before gagging, "Damnit plague rounds. These bullets contain disease and poison in them infecting everyone they hit." A sudden realization came over the group as Blake asked, "Did you say everyone?" Suddenly even more growls can be heard as one by one the dead soldiers started moving again. "We have to go now!", Blake yelled as the zombies got closer. Suddenly the zombies started to run after them, four of the group members tried to shoot at them but the bullets had no effect. The zombies then lunged at the four biting into them. "Chelsea come on we have to get out of here.", Sarah says as she picks up Chelsea as she started heaving. "Sarah, leave her it's already too late!", Jasmine yelled heading towards the exit. Suddenly a zombie came up behind Jasmine and pinned her to the ground, before the zombie could bite her Raymond came up behind him with a gun and used it to keep the zombie from biting her. Everyone in the tunnel was being attacked trying to fend off the zombies, everyone except Sarah. All she did was watch in horror as everything happened around her, suddenly in the chaos Sarah suddenly heard someone scream her name, "Sarah help!", she heard it again and again as everyone around her screamed for her help. The cries for help were agony to her, she looked at Chelsea then back to everyone being attacked. Suddenly she made her decision as she dropped Chelsea to the ground as if through guilt or peer pressure.

She ran over to Jasmine and in one fluid motion kicked the zombies head clean off as blood sprayed over Jasmine and Sarah. Then without saying a word took the gun Raymond had and ran over to a nearby zombie. The zombie then lunged at her, but she didn't flinch, instead she smacked it with the side of the gun smashing its head. She then ran to another zombie and with her barehand crushed the zombies head. She did this over and over to every zombie killing each one in agonizing ways as more and more blood covered her. Sarah finally reached the last zombie and grabbed its head before slamming it into the ground. Sarah then stood on the zombies back refusing to let it get up she then used the back of the gun to hit the zombie over and over and over until she broke into the zombies skull, even after that she still kept beating it as blood started to cover her. The zombies head was effectively turned into a paste, but she refused to stop, suddenly Blake came up behind her, "Sarah stop, we have to go." Sarah ignored what Blake said and made her way to the next zombie. Suddenly she heard in a weak raspy voice she heard, "S-sarah", this snapped her back to reality as she looked back and saw Chelsea weak and sickly reached her hand out to her. Sarah looked at all the blood on her and the zombie she just killed, as she suddenly fainted. Blake caught her and started carrying her over to the exit, as he passed Chelsea a tear formed in the corner of his eye as he kept walking. He caught back up with Raymond and Jasmine who were getting a truck the soldiers had running. Blake put Sarah in the back of the truck as he sat right beside her, before he dozed off, he looked at Sarah and thought to himself, "What the heck did they do to you?"

The entire prison was silent every guard and prisoner alike were killed. A trail of blood leads to the wardens office as Blight admires the warden he strung up with tentacles, still clinging onto life, with a look of terror in his eyes. "For so long I stayed put in that pit not because you captured me but because I wanted to. Everyone thought the day the undead rose up was the end of the world, but that was merely the beginning, the climax hasn't arrived yet. People have been making moves for the longest time now getting ready. Armies, weapons, and even lives are being made for the coming conflict. Now that the climax is so close its time for me to make my move because I don't wanna miss a damn thing.", Blight plunged a tentacle into the warden's head killing him instantly. The warden's body went limp as Blight dropped him to the ground. As Blight was about to walk out of the room a white coat in the warden's office caught his eye. He put it on before picking up the warden's body and using it to dye the coat red. Elsewhere back in the tunnel Specter approaches the exit when he saw all his soldiers killed. At first, he didn't think much of it but once he saw all the smashed heads, "Interesting. HQ would wanna know about this." As he walked towards the exit something he stopped as something caught his eye.

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