First Mission

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Sarah looked up at the mansion in front of her on the outside everything seemed normal, but she could hear the faint sound of snarls and growls coming from the inside. Nerves were getting to Sarah feeling like she had a rock in her stomach. She was brought back to reality as she felt a tap on her shoulder, "We should get going.", Jasmine said to Sarah as she started walking towards the building. Sarah took a deep breath and followed Jasmine.

One day earlier Sarah was called in to meet Oliver. As she entered the office Oliver and Jasmine were sitting waiting for her, "You uh you wanted to see me?", Sarah asked. "Yes, please sit.", Oliver gestured towards a seat in front of them. Oliver cleared his throat and began speaking, "The reason I called you here is because there's a mission, I'd like you to accompany Jasmine on." "What's the mission?", Sarah asked. Oliver continued, "Several miles away from here there's a large mansion that belonged to a rather wealthy family about a week ago this house was invaded by zombies. One of the members of this family who was away at the time wants us clear out the house and find any survivors." Sarah was confused by this how could this help her get close to the organization, but regardless she agreed to go with Jasmine.

Jasmine left the office room gesturing Sarah to follow her. They walked down hallway after hallway with seemingly forever, finally Jasmine arrived at her destination a big, locked vault towering at ten feet tall. Jasmine opened the vault and on the other side was a complete armory of guns, weapons, ammo, and even explosives. "Holy cow!", Sarah exclaims. "Yeah, pretty much my reaction to seeing this the first time.", Jasmine sorts through the weapons taking a few out here and there. Sarah on the other hand just looked at the weapons awkwardly not knowing what to pick. "Here take this.", Jasmine handed two pistols and several ammo cartridges to Sarah. "We shouldn't encounter too many zombies mostly just the family and a few staff members that were present at the time.", Jasmine looked over at Sarah noticed she looked uninterested, "So, how are you holding up?" Sarah just shrugs her shoulders saying, "I don't know, I'm fine I guess." Jasmine let out a sigh, "I'm sorry about what happened to your friend. It's hard to lose the one's you care about. Everyone in our group has lost someone family, friends, lovers it's hard to let people get close to you in this world. But not letting anyone in will be even more painful than losing them." Jasmine continued sorting through the weapons picking out her arsenal consisting of two pistols, a knife, and a rifle, "Here this should be enough for now.", she handed Sarah a shotgun completing her arsenal of weapons. "We'll be meeting outside the city at 7 make sure you're not late."

A day passed and, Sarah and Jasmine were ready to head out. Sarah waited at the entrance to the underground city as Jasmine approached with a truck. Jasmine was driving and sitting in the cargo bed was an unfamiliar man wearing a black cloak covering body, and face. "Hop in Sarah." Sarah got in the cargo bed sitting across from the new guy. "This is Nathan he's gonna be our third man on this mission." "It's nice to meet you.", Sarah offered her hand to Nathan to shake but he didn't respond. Instead, he turned to Jasmine and asked, "Do we really need to bring the newbie with us?" "It's an order from the boss, besides I've seen her in a fight she can hold her own." Nathan let out an exasperated sigh, "Well if the boss says so I'll allow it." Even though he said that Sarah could feel his gaze fixed on her.

An hour passed and Nathan just sat in the back in silence, Sarah tried to start a conversation several times but each time she was only met with silence. On the drive they passed through the wreckage of a city everything was destroyed buildings, cars, everything. The truck started to slow down careful to avoid debris. As Sarah looked around, she couldn't help but think back to her old settlement was it destroyed like this city or was it taken over by that organization? Suddenly she heard a loud thud coming from one of the buildings Sarah looked over and saw a zombie coming out of it. This caused Sarah to tense up, 'There are zombies here.', 'They could be in all of these buildings.', 'They could have us surrounded.' Sarah nervously got out her one of her pistol's and aimed it at the zombie. As she was about to pull the trigger the gun was stolen from her hand. She turned to see Nathan holding her weapon in his right hand, even though she couldn't see his eyes she could tell that he was mad, "What do you think you're doing? You almost killed us newbie." Nathan put the weapon down and grabbed an empty can and threw it into an alleyway, it hit the ground making slight noise. As Sarah looked closer, she could see several zombies moving around slightly in response to the noise. "Give me your guns, all of them.", Sarah tried to argue against it but was immediately cut off, "Now!" Sarah could tell this would get ugly fast if she didn't comply. Hesitantly she handed over her remaining pistol and shotgun and he immediately swiped them out of her hands. Finally, they reached the end of the city and without warning Jasmine picked up speed again causing Sarah to shake a bit.

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