Chapter 43: Arrival

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A green fairy with piercing light blue eyes floats in front of you as its small wings flutter rapidly

Celebi: "Greetings Y/n, I am Celebi. I'm glad we're finally able to meet face-to-face. I hope you don't mind if I replace Giratina, I absolutely had to meet this little one."

Celebi flies over to Eri studying her, Eri looks terrified by the Pokemon backing away.

Celebi: "Oh my, I can see why Dialga was petitioning so hard to save her. She has so much potential!"

Celebi flies to your side sitting on your should and thinking.

Celebi: "Now where's the other one I sensed?"

You can feel waves of psychic energy pulse out in every direction as Celebi closes its eyes. While he does this you go up to Eri and Mirio. You remove two more Hyper Potions swapping the red vial with one and begin to spray Mirio's wounds with them.

Mirio: "Y/n... you made it..."

He responds weakly still managing to stay standing but was heavily supported by the wall. You sit him down assuring him-

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm fine, you need to rest or you'll bleed out."

He sits down leaning his back up against the wall falling unconscious allowing the medicine to do its work. He's breathing faintly, but resting so you move on to Eri. Just as you approach the scared-looking girl a loud voice can be heard.

Overhaul: "Someone else is about to die because of you, is that really what you want, Eri?"

She begins to cry running back following a trail of Mirio's blood

Y/n: "Eri, wait!"

You look at Celebi still searching and shake your head running after Eri.

Eri walks in and begs Overhaul to stop, you stay outside thinking of a plan, hoping Celebi would do something. 

Midoriya: "Eri, go back!"

As Eri was walking toward Overhaul the ceiling collapsed and Ryukyu, Uraraka, and Asui fall fighting the villain from the beginning. Distracted you run in and take a defensive position hiding behind some rocks.

'What can I do? As long as Celebi is out I can't summon anyone else!'

Your eyes grow wide as Overhaul creates a pillar bringing Eri and himself up, trying to escape out of the newly formed hole. Midoriya chases after then jumping off of the falling rocks. You look down and see the red vial in your belt. 

'Do I have any other options?'

You grab it and look up seeing Eri jumping from the pillar. Midoriya is struggling because of his injuries.

'No, I don't!'

You plunge the red vial into your neck and feel the drug coursing through your veins you summon Pidgeot who flies at high speeds catching them both and flying upward to the surface. Overhaul sends multiple concrete spikes at the flying type but it outmaneuvers them and reaches the surface. Overhaul falls to the ground after destroying his rising pillar to escape he stands up bloodied. At the worst time, Celebi opens its eyes.

Celebi: "Found you!"

It flies off drawing Overhaul's attention to your hiding spot as Celebi flies to the other side of the room, disappearing. Overhaul glances in your direction but ignores you, instead deciding to walk toward his underlings and disassemble them, adding them to his own body forming a monstrosity. You run over to Nighteye and the Ryukyu team. 

Nighteye: "It's no use he'll go after Midoriya, kill him, and escape with Eri."

His pupils gleamed purple, indicating he was going off the information he received from Foresight. Uraraka doesn't believe what he says, but she's way too exhausted to do anything. 

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