Chapter 81: Trial

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A/n: I know you're waiting to get into the chapter, but I just wanted to say one thing before that. As referenced in the title this chapter is about a criminal trial, but I'm going to be completely honest. I'm not a lawyer. I've also never had the chance to learn the details of a trial, so this will probably have lots of inaccuracies. So, if you could bear with me, I'd appreciate it. Alright, onto the chapter!

Indistinct chatter filled the room, there were lots of people filling the benches. Shoji sat to your right with Gang Orca, Marlon, Barnacle, and Floodgate all in the same row. To your left were Momo and Jiro. Across the aisle were Kazuya and Yumi sitting and talking with a black-haired man who looked vaguely familiar. A man in a tan uniform began to speak to the entire room and everyone went silent.

Baliff: "All rise, the honorable Judge Eurydice residing."

A woman with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes dressed in a white robe with blue accents sat behind the main bench.

Eurydice: "You may be seated."

The woman began looking around she eyed both the prosecution and the defense. The defense didn't have any members of Team Skull sitting by him yet. She looked back down and flipped through a packet of paper sitting at her desk.

Eurydice: "It seems like today we have several defendants with varying charges, but all correlated to the main offense. Would the prosecution like to start with any particular one?"

A man stood from the bench in front of you. From behind you saw he also had blonde hair and he was wearing an all-white suit. You thought back to what Gang Orca had called him in the lobby, but couldn't quite remember. He adjusted his glasses before speaking.

Prosecutor: "The information you have should be in the desired order, your honor."

Eurydice: "Very well, then let's bring in Bryony first."

She taps the gavel and shortly after, Bryony is brought in with quirk-dampening cuffs, she doesn't have her normal green glasses, instead, her vibrant green eyes stare directly at you with unmistakable disgust. She was seated at the opposite bench. The courtroom proceeded as normal, but you weren't called to the witness stand first. Both Barnacle and Floodgate were called first and recounted their fight with her and testified to illegal quirk use in an attempt to harm, as well as, attempted quirk murder, with that you were called to the stand. Momo squeezed your hand, with a worried look, but you shook your head to calm her. You looked over to Momo's parents who each gave you a nod, but the man next to them simply stared at you. You swore that you'd seen him before, but couldn't place it. You step onto the bench and get sworn in, promising to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Immediately after the defendant's lawyer began to question you, he was taking the poorly-veiled scummy-friendly guy approach, as he introduced himself for the third time now.

Faba: "Hello, I'm Faba. Could you state your name for the court?"

Y/n: "Yes sir, I'm Neuron."

Faba: "So, according to the previous testimonies, you were the one that Floodgate and Barnacle mentioned. The one who saved them from the collapsing building, correct?"

Y/n: "Uh, yes."

Faba: "Were you with the two of them when they fought Bryony?"

Y/n: "No, sir."

Faba: "Then, would you be so kind as to explain how exactly you saved them?"

Y/n: "I used my quirk."

He let out a small chuckle.

Faba: "Where were you at the time they were saved, approximately?"

Y/n: "I'd say about 20-30 meters underground, below the lobby."

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